openHAB Google Assistant Integration v2.0

I have the same problem as @Hotrodwinston. I setup mine through PaperUI and it worked also until sometime recently. I added back the homekit: tag preface to see if that would make a difference, but it did not. I can’t say whether or not it was the update. Here is my thermostat group and all the items:

“members”: [{
“link”: “http://openhab:8080/rest/items/Thermostat_SetpointCooling”,
“state”: “76”,
“stateDescription”: {
“pattern”: “%.0f”,
“readOnly”: false,
“options”: []
“editable”: false,
“type”: “Number”,
“name”: “Thermostat_SetpointCooling”,
“label”: “Family Room Setpoint (cooling)”,
“category”: “Temperature”,
“tags”: [“homekit:TargetTemperature”],
“groupNames”: [“gFamRmThermostat”]
}, {
“link”: “http://openhab:8080/rest/items/Thermostat_TemperatureSensor”,
“state”: “76”,
“editable”: false,
“type”: “Number”,
“name”: “Thermostat_TemperatureSensor”,
“label”: “Family Room Temperature [%.1f °F]”,
“category”: “Temperature”,
“tags”: [“CurrentTemperature”],
“groupNames”: [“gTemperature”, “gFamilyRoom”, “gFamRmThermostat”]
}, {
“link”: “http://openhab:8080/rest/items/Thermostat_Mode”,
“state”: “2”,
“stateDescription”: {
“pattern”: “%s”,
“readOnly”: false,
“options”: [{
“value”: “3”,
“label”: “Auto”
}, {
“value”: “0”,
“label”: “Off”
}, {
“value”: “11”,
“label”: “Economy Heat”
}, {
“value”: “2”,
“label”: “Cool”
}, {
“value”: “12”,
“label”: “Economy Cool”
}, {
“value”: “1”,
“label”: “Heat”
}, {
“value”: “5”,
“label”: “Resume”
“editable”: false,
“type”: “Number”,
“name”: “Thermostat_Mode”,
“label”: “Family Room Mode”,
“category”: “Temperature”,
“tags”: [“homekit:TargetHeatingCoolingMode”],
“groupNames”: [“gFamilyRoom”, “gFamRmThermostat”]
“link”: “http://openhab:8080/rest/items/gFamRmThermostat”,
“state”: “NULL”,
“editable”: false,
“type”: “Group”,
“name”: “gFamRmThermostat”,
“label”: “Family Room Thermostat”,
“tags”: [“Thermostat”, “Fahrenheit”],
“groupNames”: [“gHome”]

@elcheekytico and @Hotrodwinston

Just to test and try to find a possible cause, please try remove the “Fahrenheit” in the Thermostat tag so it only contains: [ “Thermostat” ]

There simply has to be something “blocking” the communication to GA integration, as you both seem to have a correct setup, and yet suffering from the exact same problem.

That did it! It looks normal now with temp showing, albeit at 32, and all the other controls, buttons, etc. What does that mean then?

I believe there is a fatal bug in the latest release of the GA integration where “Fahrenheit” used in the Thermostat tag seems to breake the thermostat.
Lets wait an see what Dustin come up with. If he experience the same, we´ll have to notify Michael Krug, (file an issue on github).

Now you had “Fahrenheit” in your thermostat, and now it´s removed… Does you´re temperature still show the same value in Fahrenheit, or is it celcius now?

I believe it’s attempting to report as Celsius.
With Fahrenheit tag:

Without Fahrenheit tag:

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Only the setpoint seems to report in Celcius, (32). The actual temperature value is still in fahrenheit, probably because this is the direct value read from the temperature sensor, and therefore no need to “transform” to either celcius or fahrenheit.

I can confirm, using , “Fahrenheit” in the [ “Thermostat” ] do indeed break the thermostat so no info gets through (other than an empty thermostat).
I just tried adding “Fahrenheit” to one of my thermostats, and it turned out empty as well.

Group   g_garage_TSTAT    "Garage Termostat"      [ "Thermostat", "Fahrenheit" ]

@michikrug I guess this is a bug allright?

PS. I have filed an issue on github as well.

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When I ask GA the temperature it just says the thermostat is set to cool and value shows NaN on my Hub.

Seems so. Thanks for checking.
A GitHub issue is the best place for that. :+1:t2:

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Is that with the “Fahrenheit” ?
It works fine on my Hub. (I´m not using “Fahrenheit”).

That occurs with Farenheit tag. I was concerned that it was without. I will leave it out for now as it will at least tell me the temperature in Farenheit.

I’m away from my system right now but will check when I get back this afternoon.

Is it possible to remove the fahrenheit tag but add the old uom (unit of measure) tag to each item so it shows in units my family can understand?

I dont think so, as this is Google Home app, which needs to know, if the value is in Celcius or Fahrenheit.
And to make it even worse… It´s the setpoint which will become the problem, as the actual temperature is showing whatever value it receives from the item. This means the value of the wheel will be showen in Celcius, and probably if you change the setpoint using the wheel, it will change to a Celcius value. I have no idea how you thermostat will react on this, but it will probably mess up everything or dont work at all.

If I´m correct in this, its a very unfortunate way Google has chosen to do this. It would have made alittle more sense, if both the setpoint and the actual temperature would be as setup. Then you could just continue using it Celcius. As it is now without Fahrenheit, it will be a mix of Fahrenheit temperature and Celcius setpoint.

Hopefully Michael or Marzima will be able to fix it very fast.

Just for the sake of trying I added the uom tag to my cooling since I’m not using it right now it being the cold season in North America. No luck - it still reads setpoint in Celsius. Hope the bug is fixed soon.

Yeah thats what I thought :frowning:

Are there any news when it will be possible to use metadata instead of tags?

I have a strange effect for a dimmable light. Either caused by the openHAB server update or by a recent Google Home App (Android) update. This was working fine a while ago with the same config.
When I start the app fresh and go to the light, it does not know the dimmer level. It only shows OFF or ON and the circle, but no knob and no percentage number.
When I tap around the circle, suddenly I get a knob and percentage number and I can control the light fine.
After another fresh start of the app, the level is gone again.
Look like it cannot get the level from openHAB initially but it does know the level when it is set by the app itself.

Thats exactly what I´m experience as well on my iPhone. On my Android phone, it works fine. And explained more detailed in post #58 above.

It happened after the V 2.0 update.

Humidity does not work for me either. Temperatures (Set and Actual) do work. I see no Humidity in the Google Home App (Android) and when I ask GA for the Humidity, it says 0%.
The REST API returns the item state as “43”.

Hi everyone

I’ve been following what you’ve all been up to and thought I’d revisit my Google Assistant setup.

Talking specifically about setting up a thermostat, I’ve followed the instructions here -

And added a virtual item for Thermostat mode, which I’ve mapped back and forth with the Heating / Cooling option in a Velbus glass panel.

It seems… That it’s working.
Of a fashion.

Commands from Google get to the Thermostat, including swapping from HEATING to COOLING mode.

Current room temperature seems to get back to Google, eventually.

Current Target Temperature information does seem to get passed from Google to the Thermostat, but any OH updates seem to take a long time to show up in Google.

Lighting / Outlet / Switch commands from Google seem to get through, even if Google says, “Sorry Hal, I can’t do that” (or words to that effect)

My own conclusion is…

“It’s okay, but it’s not an exact science.”

I’m still waiting for my Myrcoft V2 order to arrive (2 years and counting), so it looks like we’ll be sticking with Google assistant (on our phones) for the present.

Humidity has never been visual in the Google Home app.

Thats odd.
I have no problems asking for the humidity in a room, and Google respond with the same results showen in openhab (BasicUI). Since Humidity is a simple tag [ “CurrentHumidity” ] I see no reason why it shouldnt respond with the real value…
Please post your humidity item in here se we can inspect.