I was looking through your instructions on your git and i’m pretty new to openhab, could you explain how i’d do this, 5. Give the client id and secret to OpenHab Save the Client ID to spotify__client__id in OpenHab Copy the Client Secret to spotify__client__secret in OpenHab
Thank you, Spotify integration is great. I did all the procedures to allow spotify.py to function.
I am struggling to find how to get this into my Habpanel (I am not yet on your great theme). Do I add each item on a widget (if so which type)? Or do i import widgets somewhere?
Yes, thanks. I have tried the .css stylesheet, but have a long ways to go on my panel. Just want to see if it works in the default panel as well. i suppose not to get the interactive functions?
The spotify interface is on the “ground floor widget” which is “interactive”.
Before that I had made my own makeshift controls and interface in a sitemap accessed through the basic ui, which was basically just adding the spotify items. (The script is a bit nicer now so you may need to add a rule and make some virtual items to trigger them to play/pause, etc.)
Hey pmpkk. I forked your thing to play around with. The code is a bit messy but I’ve implemented playing to devices in a quite user friendly way. You can add the device at any point after play, using device id, index, or name (partial match as well) spotify.py play 1 spotify:album:1Mrv9cxsetXUfwNtQk0Dht spotify.py play 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f3df354899bc8 spotify:album:1Mrv9cxsetXUfwNtQk0Dht spotify.py play "John's Echo" spotify.py play "echo" spotify.py devices /*lists all devices and saves them to spotify_devices */ spotify.py devices home /* These select devices that match either name, id, or the device index spotify,py devices 3
There are also a billion ways to get the decide ids, etc. So it should be simple to implement it in any interface.
I’m not that hot on git-hub etiquette. But if my code isn’t that terrible feel free to move it back to the main branch.
I have that error when testing spotify.py :
/etc/openhab2/scripts $ /usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/scripts/spotify.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/etc/openhab2/scripts/spotify.py”, line 6, in
import requests
ImportError: No module named requests
Hello everyone…
at point 7., when i have to test spotify.ph (/usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/scripts/spotify.py), i have the error on openhab console "Command not found: /usr/bin/python"
I don’t know how to check python position
Running openhab2.1 on windows 10 on “c:\openHab2” and installed Python 3.6.1.
Exec binding installed