This might be related to the fact that I had to remove some older versions (such as 2.3.0.RC1) from the apt repo to make some space for the 2.4 release. @Benjy I assume that might have broken the signature of the repo - how to bring it back? Will it automatically be properly signed again upon the next milestone publication?
for me the Harmony binding stopped to work after update today.
have deleted the binding and things + fresh install and discover but no success
Status: OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR Could not connect: Failed communicating with Harmony Hub
anyone else has the same issue ?
What about this error (warning) which some of us is experience at start up. As far as I remeber this started with the M6 og M7 build. It´s still there in M8 and well as the new stable release.
I probably didn´t, cause I dont recall never be given the option!
Question is then - how to fix this?
I wonder if this could be related. I just discovered last night I have some serious problems with Grafana rendering png´s. After upgrading to M8 and now 2.4 release, it takes aprox one minute to render one picture. (with openhab 2.3 it took only a few seconds). Rendering more than one picture at the same time (same sitemap), ends with an timeout. (grafana error - “Signal: killed”).
Sorry, you´re right, I didn´t. Just did… Thank you, I have something to look at tonight…
Hmm, so what you say is, that the Rpi 3B is no longer suitable for openhab 2.4 due to be using more memory?
I know thats not what you specificly said, I just twisted it because this problem appeared after upgrading openHab from 2.3 to 2.4. So it could seem like this is the reason. Grafana has not changed, it´s still the same version.
Any restart results in actual memory usage to change. And mem is so tight on any RPi that if you run OH PLUS (probably) InfluxDB PLUS Grafana any small change might be that little drop that makes the barrel overflow.
I’d remove it from there and run on another computer instead.
But we’re off-topic now.
This is harmony hub firmware 206. Logitech have removed access on port 522, so the binding will no longer work at all.
Not an OH issue.
I have hacked together an MQTT interface to the websockets server on harmony port 8088, this replaces the harmonyhub binding functionality, by using mqtt items.
The harmonyhub binding would have to be rewritten to use the websockets interface in order to restore functionality.
I have the same problem with ThingAction. But if I remove ThingAction. I get the same error for the getThinfstatus expression. Could you please poste your code line with the ThingAction part.