OpenWeatherMap OneCall Invalid API-Key

I remeber that the maximum forcast for a free key is 5 days.
Have you tried to set it to 5 days?
Your configuration shows 6 days.

Yeah, this was also something I played around with quite a long time.
Just did another test to be certain, it does not matter what I put in there.
Below a screenshot with Number of hours and Number of Days set to “1”.

Hm, I am out of ideas …
It’s very long ago since I installed OWM.
If I remember right I did not add any thing manually.
I think they came up automatically:

Screenshot 2022-08-21 at 19-21-29 openHAB

As you can see my things having “local” at the end, yours has just digits.
I don’t know if this makes any difference.

I picked my weather and forecast thing from the inbox, the same as Christian mentioned. If that does not lead to a functional situation, my next suggestion is to enable DEBUG log level for this binding. There is a chance that the issue can be narrowed down further that way.

Changing the log level for the binding to TRACE, I could see the actual request.
When I enter this link in a browser (with the actual AppId of course) I get the same message like shown in Openhab (“Invalid API key …” )*****&lon=6.959960&exclude=minutely%2Calerts&units=metric&lang=de&lat=50.974462

For reference, this is the template request from the OpenWeatherMap site:{lat}&lon={lon}&exclude={part}&appid=

After further testing in a web browser I found out that the number “2.5” in the bindings API Request seems not to be correct anymore (at least in my case with a brand new subscription). When I change it to 3.0 like shown in the OpenWeatherMap template, I receive the complete list of Items in my browser.

Is there a way to change this in the binding somehow or is it possible the binding needs an update?
At the moment I’m just glad I found out what is wrong, it was my second open problem I diagnosed today :wink:

Congratulations :+1: Although you don’t have a solution or a workaround yet, you found the root cause.

If you can’t find an configuration to work around the issue, my advise is to check the existing issues at openhab-addons if there is already an issue matching your finding. If not, open one.

Can confirm, I have the same problem. I just created an account and my API-Key is valid only for /3.0/ API, not /2.5/ API.

I also just updated OpenHAB to 3.3 and I’m using the corresponding plugin version.

It would be fine if there was a way to modify the api version number directly.

Always good to hear that you are not the only one having a problem.
Thanks for creating the git issue.

Is there already a solution for this? Also running in the same issue, that the onecall thing does not “work” with my oh3 installation =)

Hi, I’ve put together a draft PR to allow the One Call version to be set in the open weather account thing settings.

@rossbuggins Can you download your binding version already? Im not quite familiar with github / dont find the download there :smiley:

It’s just been merged into main, so I think the latest version snapshot should have it - but just get someone else to confirm :+1:

Normally in tomorrow snapshot.

I used this tutorial:

to get working one call api for weather forecast.
Problem is that after 20hours I still have error :

But only one call api. second one is online.

error information is :

but I used a API which I received via e-mail.

please what to edit to solve this problem with API Version ?
Thank you

I have the same problem

The following is working (not the onecall API):

The following is NOT working (onecall API 2.5), error401:

Finally when calling the 3.0 API version:

I get this answer:
{“cod”:401, “message”: “Please note that using One Call 3.0 requires a separate subscription to the One Call by Call plan. Learn more here Pricing - OpenWeatherMap. If you have a valid subscription to the One Call by Call plan, but still receive this error, then please see Frequently Asked Questions - OpenWeatherMap for more info.”}

I assume everybody who is using the OpenWeatherMap has this problem. How do you solved that, or is nobody using the weather forcasts of OpenWeatherMap?
Kind regards

Finally changed to a widget that does not use the OneCall API. This one was set up in one hour: OpenWeatherMap widget for HABPanel - Apps & Services / HABPanel - openHAB Community

After several weeks with the sam problems, today I found the solution:
I registered for the API call service with the credit card details. Then 1000 calls per day are free. From 1000 is chargeable.

Now (approx. 2 hours after registration) all bindings are online.

This requirement appears to be new as no tutorials reported it yet.

thanks! i was looking for a solution! so if i register the CC and set the limit to 1000, nothing will be charged to my CC?

Yes, I think so. But no guarantee:-)

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