OpenWeatherMap widget for HABPanel

Which exact file do you mean?
I have just used the original open weather widget file and modified it.
The original file can be imported using the widget gallery.

I think there is a mistake, the windspeed from OWM is in m/s not in km/h. You can look on the originating homepage and see that the exact same value (from current items data) is having m/s as unit.

And thank you for this inspiring samples - It helped me developing my own widget!

Thank you very much for this widget. It works perfectly for me.
I tried to use some of the items in my matrix UI and unfortunately data is not displyed properly.
So I tried to make some deugging and can not understand why copy items (in particular Wind_Speed) is not the same as oryginal.


Number:Speed            Weather_OWM_Wind_Speed         "Windspeed [%.1f km/h]"                                             {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:7dd3f22b:local:current#wind-speed"}
Number              	Weather_OWM_Wind_Speed_2       "Windspeed [%.1f ]"                                                 {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:7dd3f22b:local:current#wind-speed"}

Second item is not equal to the frst one. Why? What is wrong here? The value of the copy item is either NULL or is simply not the same.


2020-11-08 20:38:06.600 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.TEST] - Item2 status: 9.93 °C
2020-11-08 20:38:06.610 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.TEST] - Item status: 9.93
2020-11-08 20:38:06.619 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.TEST] - Item2 status: NULL
2020-11-08 20:38:06.627 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.TEST] - Item status: 9.36 km/h

any easy way to convert wind speed from km/h to m/s ?

figured out as its uses in items Number:Speed you can define units “Windspeed [%.1f m/s]” instead km/h

Anybody using habpanelfilter to speed up API queries ? Seems I have some issues using with this widget.

I use Habpanel filter on my system 2.5.9 without issue. Make sure that all the Items that u want included in your Habpanel are properly tagged with Group_HabPanel_Dashboard. It’s easy to miss items or forget to do this. I am using DarkSky weather and have a 4 day forecast plus current conditions. I’ve been using the filter since it was released and have had no issues.

its included, issues with 4 day forecast only…, and in */rest/items-filtered I can see values
Items file



I used OpenWeather before switching to DarkSky, as I recall it can take quite a bit of time to refresh the forecasts, so that could be a possible cause. Are you giving it a chance to refresh the forecast (hours of time as I recall). Since you are using text files, be sure that you have no typos or hidden characters. I found that if I used keyboard commands to copy and paste I sometimes had “control characters” embedded in the paste. Try redoing a few of your Items to see if that helps. Otherwise I am at a loss as to why it should not work.

Just as an fyi. It is better to use code fences rather than screen shots when posting on the forum. It makes it easier for readers to evaluate your code. I really am unable to see your complete channel definitions.

all works fine without filtering, double-checked for any errors - all fine…

resolved, added to all items required group.

Hi Bastiaan,

Great widget you made! So far so good, just struggling a little bit with formatting issues. I have screened this thread for formatting issues, and md-Col solution but I am not sure if this is the same error?

I wonder why the widget has a different height than the right one for example? In any case I have the same kind of format issues in chrome with 1080p resolution as well as 2k resolutions.
@bastiaan_van_h Any idea what I can do to adjust this better?

Thanks and happy holidays

This is how it looks like when testing the Imported Json with no further adjustments on a 1080p screen. What is the problem for this format then? :thinking:

Is ist possible to make this line transparent ?
How Can i change the speed in meters/second?

I am attempting to get this great looking widget to work with OpenHab3.
I imported the widget from the library thru the habpanel GUI.
I got the bindings and the items to work. The items do show weather information.
I added the own.controller.js to html/openweathermap as well as the 3 png files to html/openweathermap/images
I cannot find the zip file mentioned in github.

The widget stays completely empty however when looking in the browser console it does say it is processing own.controller.js

I was wondering if any one else already got this to work in OpenHab 3.
Or what I have missed to cause it to not show anything.

Hi there, anyone still experiencing problems with the “small” icons .png in /images.

I’m running Openhab on Raspbian (RPi 3B+) and I couldn’t even open the .png files in file explorer on my pi!
It showed me a message saying file format was corrupt.

What I did is this:

  • Open png files on Windows with Irfanview (maybe other program works too)
  • Save the images as .png again.
  • Copy to destined folder at Openhab on my pi
  • reloaded twice → worked

You need to expand the widget to you resolution.

Try to edit the json file and remove these two parts:

tborder-right: 1px solid #d7d7d7;
tborder-left: 1px solid #d7d7d7;

You can change the dimensions of each widget yourselfs. Go into edit mode and drag the right bottom corner.

You are right, the API returns m/s not km/h. I have corrected the items file.