Planning 1.8.1 and 2.0 beta2 releases

I will try to fix that by the evening (GMT).

As mentioned in another topic, I tested with success MQTT binding 1.9 in openHAB2.
Do you want a PR to include MQTT 1.9 in openHAB2 distro ?

Yes please!

@teichsta When do you plan to start with this? Looking at Issues · openhab/openhab1-addons · GitHub, nothing has happened so far and I doubt that things can be closed by tomorrow…?

Please add the enphaseenergy binding to this list with the exact same error.

and the IHC binding.
I think we do not really need a list, we just need someone to go through them all in the Paper UI, click on them and observe the log file…

PR opened here.
Test JAR here.

Please report back with your findings and thanks.

There are currently two open issues whereas Question: Are "Location" and "Call" official itemtype? · Issue #3104 · openhab/openhab1-addons · GitHub is “just” a question to be answered. So the only open issue is missing some directories · Issue #3601 · openhab/openhab1-addons · GitHub which i hope @theo can help with.

So none of the other 40 issues that have been reported since the 1.8.0 release is critical enough to be fixed with 1.8.1?

There may be some of the 56 issues (created since 11.01.2016) but no more PRs has been contributed. I’ll go through the open list since there are some duplicated and some already fixed.

going to upload binaries until noon on monday …

Thanks, will this include a 1.9.0.b2, so that I can refer to this in the 2.0.0.b2 distro build?

Please consider PR #3948: OH2 changes to 118 OH 1.x bindings for 1.9.0.b2.


Don’t forget the PR fixing the netatmo binding in the coming 1.8.1 release.

That’s gorgeous, thank you so much for all your efforts!

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which one do you refer to @Lolodomo?

@lolodomo @teichsta , I don’t think the OH 1.8 branch was effected by the change that broke OH2 build 111.

i’d like to refuse from merging into 1.8 anyhow since both versions seem to diverge a lot meanwhile. Got many conflicts while trying to cherry-pick.

Sorry I was not aware that it exists now different branches for OH1 add-ons, for OH1 and for OH2.
What’s the.reason ?

This aspect is the same as before, where the maintenance release only gets needed fixes (on the 1.8 branch in this case), while new enhancements are only done on the master branch. There was a regression when adding Welcome camera support to the binding on the master branch, but the later PR fixed that.

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