I’m looking for a good way of showing air conditioning functions in a simple way. I’m working on a binging and for now I prefer to focus on the binding development instead of making a shiny widget. But I want to be able to use the channels that I already coded in the binding and for wind horizontal and vertical wind direction I I have numbers:
I’m looking for a way to replace the numbers with icons representing the wind direction. I have the icons, The Selection widget allows to use text instead of server provided options.
I need guidance on:
Am I going it the right direction trying to use the selection widget or there are better solutions in OH4?
If this is the right direction: how to get the icons on the selection widget? Is it possible?
Information: “no, it’s a bad idea, make a proper widget” would be helpful as well. I’m relatively now to OH4, so I’m still testing what can or can’t be achieved easily.
I found some nice air con widgets, but they will require some work to allow representing the features my air con has. Daikin has only 3 options for wind direction, my AC unit has 11.
I don’t think the HABpanel is going away anytime soon. However, its strengths are limited relative to MainUI. HABpanel excels at fixed resolution interface. MainUI can do both fixed resolution and responsive interfaces.
With the recent addition of the MainUI UI control items, I think that MainUI now covers nearly all HABpanel functionality.
If you are just getting started on OH interface design then I would suggest staying with MainUI.