Simple On/Off Switch with Exec-Command

@SnitzelWeck92 I’m trying to replicate your setup but having issues with one error in my openhab.log. Did you come across this issue during your setup? The exec command and accompanying script which turns the light on and off fails to execute.

2017-03-30 23:30:06.166 [WARN ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Cannot delegate command 'ON' for item 'PowerSwitch1Switch' to handler for channel 'exec:command:PowerSwitch1Switch-control:input', because no thing with the UID 'exec:command:PowerSwitch1Switch-control' could be found.

thx all

my config is as follows:

Switch item=elroexe_1 label=“Fluter” mappings=[ “on”=“ON”, “off”=“OFF” ]
Switch item=elroexe_2 label=“TV Backlight” mappings=[ “on”=“ON”, “off”=“OFF” ]

String elroexe_1 (gPilight) { channel=“exec:command:elro1:input”}
String elroexe_2 (gPilight) { channel=“exec:command:elro2:input”}

Thing exec:command:elro1 [ command="/usr/local/bin/pilight-control -d elrostecker1 -s %2$s", interval=0, timeout=5, autorun=true ]
Thing exec:command:elro2 [ command="/usr/local/bin/pilight-control -d elrostecker2 -s %2$s", interval=0, timeout=5, autorun=true ]

cheers opa

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How do the status things work?
I can’t see any return in the .sh file.

Hy. I hope I find help here. I’ve been trying to use a 433 mhz module for a long time with openhab.
I can use it in the shell with the following command: /home/openhabian/433Utils/RPi_utils/./codesend 13108705.

And now I try desperately to integrate this command with exec binding (version 2). I hope who can help, I try to send the command as a push button.
Where is my mistake? Post my composition. Thank you


Group Licht_EG "Licht" 

Switch Wohnzimmer_Decke (Licht_EG) [ "Switchable" ] { channel="exec:command:Wohnzimmer_Decke:run", autoupdate="false" }


Thing exec:command:Wohnzimmer_Decke [ command="/home/openhabian/433Utils/RPi_utils/ %2$s, interval=0, autorun=true ]


sitemap Schneeberggasse16 label="Erdgeschoss" {
    Frame label="Licht" {
        Switch item=Wohnzimmer_Decke mappings=[ "ON"="ON", "OFF"="OFF" ] icon="light"
        Switch item=Wohnzimmer_Led mappings=[ "ON"="ON", "OFF"="OFF" ]
        Switch item=steckdoseG3Switch mappings=[ "ON"="ON", "OFF"="OFF" ]
        Switch item=steckdoseG4Switch mappings=[ "ON"="ON", "OFF"="OFF" ]
        Switch item=Licht mappings=[ "ON"="ON", "OFF"="OFF" ]
        Switch item=Dash_Switch



if [ "$1" = "off" ] || [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "OFF"  ]; then
        /home/openhabian/433Utils/RPi_utils/./codesend 13108705
        /home/openhabian/433Utils/RPi_utils/./codesend 13108705


rule "Poweroutlet B"
    Item Wohnzimmer_Decke received command
   if(receivedCommand == ON){
       Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("10010 2 0")

      // wait for the command to complete, state will be NULL if not used befor$
      while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
      logInfo("Power_Plug", "Resuts are: \n" + Remote_Send_Out.state )

The Rule is from a other tutorial.

OK, I am - damn - I am stuck.
I use the latest OPENHABIAN (OPENHAB 2.2) version on my RASPBERRY PI.

I just want to do a simple on - off switch with a stupid INTERTECHNO PAR1500 switch using my ITGW433.

To switch it on, the command is:

/usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/ A 1 on
/usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/ A 1 off

to switch it off.

What I did is:

sitemap zuhause label=“Zuhause” {
Frame label=“Intertechno” {
Switch item=PAR1500_A1 label=“Bunte Lichterkette” mappings=[ “on”=“on”, “off”=“off” ]

Thing exec:command:PAR1500_A1 [command="/usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/ A 1 %2$s"]

String PAR1500_A1 {channel=“exec:command:PAR1500_A1:input”}

I get this error from the log-file:
[hab.binding.exec.handler.ExecHandler] - An exception occurred while formatting the command line with the current time and input values : ‘Format specifier ‘%2$s’’

What is wrong?

Thank you !!!

Have a look here for a detailed setup with the exec binding

I don’t know if it is possible to directly set on/off from the mapping to the format specifier. Maybe there is no way around a rule.

But I had read that this error only occurs once when the item is not defined, after first execute it should be gone. If not try the setup like in the Tutorial.

Thank you Josar. That helped a lot. No more error messages in the log file.

But still, it doesn‘t work. :neutral_face:
I can change the switch and the command „ON“ (or „OFF“) is given. See Log file.
But it feels like EXEC does not execute anything…

Logfile now is:

Item 'PAR1500_A1' received command ON
PAR1500_A1 changed from NULL to ON


sitemap zuhause label="Zuhause"
   Frame label="Intertechno" {
        Switch item=PAR1500_A1 label="Steckdose A1"


Thing exec:command:remote-send [
      command="/usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/ %2$s",


Switch PAR1500_A1 <poweroutlet>
Switch Remote_Send { channel="exec:command:remote-send:run" }
String Remote_Send_Args { channel="exec:command:remote-send:input" }
String Remote_Send_Out { channel="exec:command:remote-send:output" }


rule "itgw"
    Item PAR1500_A1 received command
    if (receivedCommand == ON) {
      Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("A 1 on")
    else {
      Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("A 1 off")
     while(Remote_Send.state != OFF) {
      logInfo("Intertechno A1", "Results are: \n" + Remote_Send_Out.state)


This should produce an output in the log when the rule is fired.I cannot see this in the log you posted.
So either the rule is not fired, rebooting Pi could help. Or you did not post the line.

  1. Are you able to execute the command as user openhabian in the command line?
sudo -u openhabian /usr/bin/python /etc/openhab2/ A 1 on
  1. are you able to execute the rule? Is your rule file called .rules ? This is randome guessing why your rule is not fireing. try some simple rule.
rule "itgw"
    Item PAR1500_A1 received command ON
     // Set button back to see if rule fires

It is solved!

To answer your first question: Yes, I can execute with the user „openhabian“.

Question 2: Yes, my rules have the ending .rules

Your simplified rule worked well. So far so good.

But I also had some trouble with this:

[hab.binding.exec.handler.ExecHandler] - Couldn’t transform response because transformationService of type ‘REGEX’ is unavailable

This was solved somewhere else and I managed to fix it.
I forgot to install the EXEC transformation service. Well…

Now your script works.

But I found out that I can‘t just copy & paste this code. It just doesn‘t work to use multiple “when“ commands in one .rules file. At least I don’t know the syntax to do it right.

So I split it into three .rules files and now I can switch all three powerplugs on and off.
Very well. It might me not the most smart solution to use three .rules files but it works.

Thank you again to help me climb over these last borders…

PS: I reformatted my ugly post

@toaopeter this is explicitly stated in the tutorial!

You may have multiple rules in one rulefile, do not forget to change the name of the rule when copy pasting or multiple trigger in one rule.

rule "First Rule"
     // Do stuff

rule "Second Rule"
     // Do stuff

I think your Item needs to be of type String, not Switch

@tntdynamight Nope, this is all right. The run channel is a switch.

Hi All,

is there a way to detect an item is on/off using PING but using the exec binding ? The state of this item will be used in another rule

as the network binding is not capable of doing what I require, im thinking I can executecommandline a ping, but checking if it replies or not is what im struggling with
