Thanks, will look into it tomorrow when there is daylight in the house.
But for what wondering already, if I take the blue wire from the first floor, it is now connected from there to my lamp, so if I put it in the Shelly, should I use a welding clamp to connect it to the shelly as well to the lamp?
Well, apparently the room behind the switch on the first floor isn’t enough to fit a Shelly behind.
So I decided to install the shelly above the lamp, the welding box is also above the lamp self.
I followed this schema what was designed for a hotel swtich:
I thought I understand how it worked and that this was the right way but the light wont power on, even though the switch is on, it is flashed with tasmota and connected to my router.
The sehlly is powered on so I can reach his IP address, when I toggle it in the web page, the light also wont turn on.
I also discovered when the light switch is off on the ground floor, you can’t toggle it on the first floor, but if it is set to on, then you can toggle it…
I’m really cracking my head on it, but can’t figure out what to do, who can help me out?
The above schema’s are all correct, the only problem I had was that I flashed the Shelly1 with the Tasmota firmware. After that I directly installed the Shelly behind the switch, so I forgot to change a setting in the firmware to tell that I installed the firmware on a Shelly1 (there is an option in the menu for that).
Eventually I installed the Shelly 1 behind the lamp where both switches are connected to, that seems to be the best way in my opinion And this is how:
Yea it was hidden, so I didn’t had to get an extra live (brown) wire.
But I would definitely do that when I didn’t had one because I always want to be able to use the normal switch to control the lights without turning my shelly device off(line).
Another work around could be buying a digital switch with MQTT support that will control the shelly.
If you google shelly 1pm wiring and look at the pictures you see that it’s basically the same. The order is slightly different but you should be able to figure that out
I have managed to wire in my Shelly so that it gets permanent power (connected into the bottom right where the Wago is always has power) - this operates as expected via the app
And if I connect the SW to the top port then it will control the lights, but the switches wont control it - it leaves the local switch completely dead and the distant switch with independent control
I’m sure I’m misunderstanding some of the diagrams above so hoping someone here might be able to help?!
The shelly needs to be placed behind the switch next to the lightbulb.
From that switch, take the wire going to the light and connect it to the shelly output. Take a new piece of wire from shelly SW to the forme switch light output.
Shelly input needs to be configured into edge mode.