Thermostat with Timer available?

I am using a simple thermostat widget where I can set the temperature and see the current temperature in a diagram. Now it would be nice to have such widget where it is possible to setup a scheduler in order to decrease/increase the temperature during the night/day.

Unfortunately I could not find such widget and/or there is a “rule” or something similar which I can use.


There are several ways you could accomplish this, and the “best” one depends on how you are planning to use it. Would you change the schedule frequently, or do you want to “set-and-forget”? In the latter case, a few cron-based rules would probably be easiest. In the former case, there could be marketplace widgets that might suit your needs, I know there’s a “Timeline picker” that could work, but haven’t used it myself so not sure of what capabilities it offers.

Edit: Not a marketplace widget it seems, but a tutorial at least Timeline picker to setup heating, light and so on

There is a widget on the marketplace but this requires way more than just a widget so following the tutorial is definitely a must.: Timeline.

As @pacive mentioned, there are several ways you can do this.

  1. Design Pattern: Simple State Machine (e.g. Time Of Day)
  2. Time Based State Machine [;]
  3. One way to implement 1 is instead of hard coding the time in the trigger, you can use the Time is Item trigger and set the time in a DateTime Item. You can use DateTime Standalone Widget and DateTime List Item to set the date times.
  4. The timeline picker already linked
  5. iCal binding: iCalendar - Bindings | openHAB

Thanks for the answers… I am looking for a “set and forget” timer and it seems there are some very nice solutions.

I will check it and see if I can implement it.

I am trying to use the #3 you proposed. I installed both widgets but I do not fully understand how they works. I can select a date and link it to an item so far. In the widget “DateTime List item” I see the current state of the item. When I press afterwards to the checkmark symbol I get an error message “comunication error” and the inserted date/time is removed.

How do I use your widgets in order to switch on/off a light for example or changing the temperature during nightime? It looks that I am missing something here…


There isn’t anything special about my widgets. They just do a tiny bit of configuration of features that are built in to MainUI and the underlying F7n framework. If it’s not working, there’s a problem with something upstream from the widget.

I think I saw an issue go by that mentioned that if you do not enter anything and press the check an error will be generated. But if you select a DateTime and then hit the check it should command the Item with the newly selected date time.

Once you have the DateTime Item populated, you use that Item as the Item in a Time is <Item> trigger. Then that rule will run a the time carried by the Item.

Thanks for your explination. You mentioned:

But if you select a DateTime and then hit the check it should command the Item with the newly selected date time.

In my case it is different. I do select a valid date and afterwards I hit the check. See this:

Screenshot 2024-11-12 064319

When I use such DateTime item populated with a specific date and used that item in a rule, will the rule only trigger once at that day I configured? I would like to have a rule which triggers such item always at the same (night) time for example.

Again, there isn’t anything I can do about this. It’s not implemented by the widget. It’s implemented by the F7 framework. All the widget does is set the property to show the date time picker.

There is a promament “Time Only” option.

You can also use the timepicker widget from the marketplace and add it as default standalone widget. We use it within the semanticHomeMenu project for time schedules for rollershutters.