Hi, im using docker since a long time for my openhab. Again i had the situation that i wanted to to an upgrade. In logfile i found the line SUCCESS: openHAB updated from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0
Again i had the Error-Handler on each Thing as on last migrations.
But it was not possible to download any add-ons. So i triet again the clean of the cache and tmp.
Then i tried again to download “knx” add-on, but im seeing only rotating circle and it makes no progress and also im seeing no entries in logfile which gives me a hint. I tried also other add-ons, but exactly the same. i waited also longer time, but also no change in behavior.
Does anyone has an idea what i can do to get add-ons in again?
How do you use it?
What host OS, and Docker version do you use?
How do you manage the containers? Using the command line, Docker compose or do you use something like Portainer?
Are the Docker volumes on the same host or stored somewhere else in your network e.g. using NFS?
are you using the Openhab container directly on the host network or is it in the isolated bridge network of the docker?
I am using Synology Docker, with portainer and watchtower, both also in separate own Docker containers and Openhab in container but on host network and upgrade went smoothly from 4.0.4 to 4.1.0 with only small hick-ups
data is stored locally, no nfs on an SSD (disk is about 30% so space is enough available)
container runs in host network
As told the container runs fine and also the conversion from old version to new one was fine.
But the container is not able to update/download any add-on. Not automaticly, not manually initiated. Restart of container made no difference and also not after cleaning tmp/cache.
The behavoir with the addons is not new, it was also existing on former versions too but then it was possible to initiate the downloads manually (you can see my upper referenced old thred to this).
So from my point of view we are speaking not about problems from outside container, the downloads of add-ons are made from inside container
I also tested that internetconnection is working fine from inside container:
docker exec -it openhab-openhab-1 ping openhab.org
PING openhab.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=19.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=22.2 ms
Update 13:00 it seems that some things now coming to green. lets wait, maybe it comes to an end from itself. I will let you know later the result
GC is Garbage Collection. The JVM starts these when it is running low on memory. So either Java is not assigned enough memory (using the -Xmx parameter) or some kind of memory leak causes the required memory to grow indefinitely.
i tried a shell:threads on command line of karaf console and got out that for each existing docker-network which is existing such thread was started. So im not sure if for some add-ons it is ignored that openhab is running on host-network
"SocketListener(192-168-32-1.local.)" Id=315 in RUNNABLE (running in native)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.receive0(Native Method)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.receiveIntoNativeBuffer(DatagramChannelImpl.java:750)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.receive(DatagramChannelImpl.java:728)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.trustedBlockingReceive(DatagramChannelImpl.java:666)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive(DatagramChannelImpl.java:635)
at java.base@17.0.9/sun.nio.ch.DatagramSocketAdaptor.receive(DatagramSocketAdaptor.java:240)
at java.base@17.0.9/java.net.DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramSocket.java:700)
at javax.jmdns.impl.SocketListener.run(SocketListener.java:57)
If your container sees more than one network, you might se more than one in MainUi/Network settings as well.
Limit those settings to just the one IP you use.
Just a guess as I am no docker user/expert, but this applies to all installations where the machine has more than one interface (LAN+WiFi e.g.)
hi @hmerk
i limited before update the network in ui, thats correct.
After the update - now - the gui is unvailable.
So i guess that configuration was not changed it should be still limited to my main IP
yeah, this could be possibly the reason. Is there a way to switch this off/back to former methode by karaf? A short time after a restart i have access to karaf before all is hanging
Also it would be a good thing to write something about this change if someone uses docker in Release-Notes There is already a headline for “Breaking Changes”
Maybe there is a real possibility like a variable EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS to set hard an network-interface which java listens on. This possibly would also do it so it is forbidden for java to use any other interface which exists…
To test if this is caused by the add-on suggestion service (mDNS and/or UPnP), you can add the following lines to the the cfg/services/addons.cfg file before starting OH:
The suggestion finder service will not start and use these underlying services in that case. So if they were not used by any of your add-ons before, they will not be started at all.
The same options are available from the UI, but setting it in the addons.cfg file allows you to avoid starting it at all.
But it shows on “top -H” still the mass of SocketListener and JmDNS Threads. Im not sure if these 2 parameters are working in the expected way…
But a positive thing: The CPU-Usage is a lot lower now about 15 mins later and so the gui is usable now with this
27 openhab 20 0 6034604 1.5g 25812 S 11.3 19.9 39:14.56 java
2678 root 20 0 9812 3280 2740 R 0.3 0.0 0:00.11 top
1 openhab 20 0 1944 436 372 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 tini
This time im seeing no more SocketListener-Threads, but still JmDNS Threads. So it could be that the mass of SocketListener-Threads which were gone now were causing the issue.
Update: SocketListener-Threads are still there again. CPU again high as before. Only from waiting, no change
disable suggestionfinder → the threadcount does not come down. Seems an issue from usage together with docker and network in hostmode
Update: i downgraded to 4.0.3 and my smarthome works again fine. So anyone which has same problem - downgrade is no problem.
If someone has an idea how to disable the SocketListener-Threads/JmDNS-Threads i can run again the 4.1.0 and can try this…
On 4.0.3 we have these thread-counts to get a relation: