[velux] New OpenHAB2 binding - feedback welcome!

Hi there,

updated today from to and adopted textual configs according to sample files from https://github.com/gs4711/org.openhab.binding.velux.

Got a successful connect (shortened):

2020-01-24 15:48:43.276 [INFO ] [.internal.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Found velux actuators:
Product "Office" / SLIDER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=3,serial=56:32:14:26:0F:0C:00:B1,position=0000)
2020-01-24 15:48:43.788 [INFO ] [.internal.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - velux Bridge is online with 0 scenes and 6 actuators, now.

Unfortunately the above mentioned isn’t moving at all with this definitions;


Bridge velux:klf200:home "KLF200" @ "KLF200" [ ipAddress="X.X.X.X", protocol="slip", tcpPort=51200, password="X" ] {
    Thing rollershutter VELUX_Office [ serial="56:32:14:26:0F:0C:00:B1" ]


Rollershutter VELUX_Office "Büro Velux [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:VELUX_Office" }

Unfortunately I don’t have any further log-entries except from events.log:

2020-01-24 15:51:33.625 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'VELUX_Office' received command DOWN
2020-01-24 15:51:33.631 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - VELUX_Office predicted to become NULL

Many thanks and KR,

Hi there,

anyone else having that problem with non-moving rollershutters? is working fine, but I can’t get to work - tried in several variations.

The binding reads data from the KLF200 successfully (bridge status, SW version, …).

Any ideas @gs4711? Otherwise I’d need to roll-back.

Many thanks & KR,


Could you please post your latest .things, .sitemap and .items configuration? (or is it still the same like in your post?

Hi @Celaeno1,

many thanks for reply. The textual configs are the same - sitemap is displaying the whole group (gVelux).

I tried with different element-names (.things and .items) and different environments with OH stable (Debian9+Zulu8, Debian9+JDK11, Debian10+Zulu8, Debian10+JDK11, Debian10+JDK13) - in no combination I could get the rollershutters moving, but in every combination I was able to read data from the KLF200 (like bridge status, etc.).

When I use the old .jar ( everything is working fine (with old textual configs of course).

I get no errors, whatsoever. Also, when I “find products” via the KLF interface, the rollershutters are moving so I can safely say that my problem is somewhere within the OH environment.


Your item Rollershutter VELUX_Office is not in group (gVelux) ?

Are your sitemap elements for rollershutter looking like this?


Or like this?


Hi @Celaeno1,

please find attached a current screenshot from that sitemap. VELUX_Office is in that group (=“Büro Velux”), I didn’t post it because I wanted to show only relevant declarations.

Mhhh, the only “strange” thing is that the thing name VELUX_Office is exactly like the item name VELUX_Office. Could you please change the item name?

When you use PaperUI --> Control --> your rollershutter: e.g. like this…


Is it also not running?


I’ll investigate at home - thanks meanwhile :)!

Actually i got that identical naming out of official documentation @ https://github.com/gs4711/org.openhab.binding.velux/blob/master/doc/conf/items/velux.items:

// Velux Actuator channels

Rollershutter	V_DG_M_W	"DG Fenster Bad [%d]"    	{ channel="velux:klf200:home:V_DG_M_W" }


Then it should be no problem…

What happens when you execute the following command (in karaf console)?

smarthome:links list |grep VELUX_Office


It shows that

VELUX_Office -> velux:klf200:home:VELUX_Office

plus, in addition, some KNX-bound items for my physical room-switches

KNX_Velux_Office_Auf -> knx:device:gateway:Velux:Velux_Office_AUF
and so on...

So, simply said there is no double-assignment on VELUX_Office.

Have you looked in the log file to see, what actually happens, when you push the button?


yes, of course - as of my initial post in events.log:

2020-01-24 15:51:33.625 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'VELUX_Office' received command DOWN
2020-01-24 15:51:33.631 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - VELUX_Office predicted to become NULL

… that’s (unfortunately) it. Nothing “faulty” to be found in openhab.log at all.

Sorry must have missed you previous log.

Thats odd… Your items receives the command fine, but it doesnt send it to the Velux binding… Its like there is a communication issue with the KLF200. (I know you said other things works fine).

When you added the new binindg, did you clear cache/tmp and restarted OH ?

Yes, it seems that way. I also thought the same, but I can read data from it (to be seen in my screenshot).

In my latest approach I removed the “old” .jar, renamed the old textual configs to e.g. .items-OLD (so that they’re not loaded), service-restarted OH, put in the “new” .jar, nano-ed the new textual configs and rebooted again.

The connection is successul (shortened) but I cant get anything moving;

2020-01-24 15:48:43.276 [INFO ] [.internal.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Found velux actuators:
Product "Office" / SLIDER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=3,serial=56:32:14:26:0F:0C:00:B1,position=0000)
2020-01-24 15:48:43.788 [INFO ] [.internal.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - velux Bridge is online with 0 scenes and 6 actuators, now.

Could you elaborate what you mean with clearing cache/tmp?

Last thing that comes to my mind: is there a chance to clear OHs’ internal db to actually force it to reload everything from scratch?

to become NULL” Is this correct? Sorry, I don’t know, because I’ve disabled the “predicted to become messages…”

Yes, according to log - but it can’t be correct, because that would imply that there’s actually no target-state (like for dimmers, etc.).

Search for clear cache here on the forum.
In short - Go into your OH setup using SSH (Putty etc).
Use this command:
sudo openhab-cli clean-cache (enter)
Press Y on the promt.

Restart your OH afterwards.

That would be, “clear cache and tmp” :wink:

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Thanks for clarifying, wasn’t sure if you meant OHs’ or JVMs’ cache - will try that and keep you updated. Thanks for your time!

EDIT: nothing changed - same behavior.

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it should be:

VELUX_Office -> velux:klf200:home:VELUX_Office:position


So, your item should be:

Rollershutter VELUX_Office "Büro Velux [%d]" { channel="velux:klf200:home:VELUX_Office:position" }

{ channel=“velux:klf200:home:VELUX_Office:position” }

Sorry that I didn’t recognize it earlier! :man_with_probing_cane: