Web Socket Error on AmazonEchoControl binding every 65 seconds


  • Uninstall amazonechocontrol binding (important, you’ll run into all sorts of trouble if you run two bindings at the same time)
  • Download the updated addon (see below)
  • Drop downloaded file in your addons folder

For openHAB 3.1.0 (M5 or release) and 3.2.0 (before M3): removed
For openHAB 3.0.x and 3.1.0 (M1-M3) : removed
For openHAB 3.2.0 (M3 and later): removed

In case of any problems: please provide a DEBUG level log of org.smarthomej.binding.amazonechocontrol.internal.websocket via PM to me (publishing here could reveal your Amazon customer id).

Regarding 2.5.x: Not from my side. As I said above: The code base (especially for the web socket part) is IMO too different for backporting.