Worx Landroid Binding

Sorry, Thanks

No worry. From the information, I observed that 0 would not trigger any reconnect - but if you tested 60 and 600, there’s obviously an issue. I will investigate.

Further testing and findings:

After an openHAB restart the binding does not work, regardless of setting in Reconnect interval, disabling and reenabling the Bridge Thing solves the problem.
I added this to [Landroid V4] MQTT connection closes after some hours · Issue #90 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

WorxLandroidStatusCodes.java is missing 3 status codes:

ESCAPE_FROM_OLM (13, "Escape from OLM")
ZONE_TRAINING (97, "Zone Training")
MANUAL_STOP (99, "Manual Stop")

WorxLandroidErrorCodes.java is missing 1 error code:

MOWER_OUTSIDE_WIRE (20, "Mower outside wire")

Documented in [Landroid V4] missing codes · Issue #91 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

<weekday>#time channels do not populate any data (NULL), for example

DateTime Worx_ScheduleSundayTime "Start time" {channel="worxlandroid:mower:mower:m500plus:sunday#time"}

In the old version we had two separate channels, hour and minute:
cfgScSaturday#scheduleStartHour and

Same for battery#charge-cycle: (NULL)

Number WorxLandroidMowerBatteryChargeCycle "Battery charge cycle total" {channel="worxlandroid:mower:mower:m500plus:battery#charge-cycle"}

Documented in [Landroid V4] Channels do not populate any data · Issue #92 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

After clearing tmp and cache folders and several restarts of openHAB4 because of adaption of other bindings from OH3 to OH4 this issue is gone for me.

What is meant by claer tmp and cache folder? Clear OpenHAB Cache?

I have done Clear Cache. Unfortunately, after a while I still get the following error message:

2023-07-22 14:04:51.750 [ERROR] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - Exception: software.amazon.awssdk.crt.mqtt.MqttException: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

I have the V4 binding now running since 3 days without any issues, reconnect interval is set to 300.

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I have no idea what else I can do. Now I can’t get it to run at all. I have deleted the cache several times and uninstalled the binding several times. When it runs, it runs for about an hour. My reconnection time is set to 600. I have also tried to increase the log level of the binding but there is not much more log output.

Make sure you have the correct permissions for the binding in the addons folder, it needs to be <user:group> openhab:openhab:

sudo chown openhab:openhab <filename>

Bevor issuing the ommand check the permission:

sudo ls -l <filename>

That does not make sense. Doing it once is sufficient. Note that after clearing the cache and tmp openHAB downloads all bindings again and needs some time to settle down again. Sometimes more than one restart is needed.
Also make sure you have java 17 installed, not java 11.

I deleted all Things and created them again, restarted several times and now it seems to work. For whatever reason…

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I’ve downloaded the jar and installed in release OH 4.0.0. When I started the binding I’ve got this error message under the property page of BRIDGE:


Unexpected error deserializing ‘[{“id”:599451,“uuid”:“*****-****-****-****-**********”,“product_id”:70,“user_id”:*****,“serial_number”:“***************”,“mac_address”:“A0B1C2D3E4F5”,“name”:“M”,“locked”:false,“firmware_version”:3.3,“firmware_auto_upgrade”:true,“push_notifications”:true,“sim”:null,“push_notifications_level”:“notice”,“test”:false,“iot_registered”:true,“mqtt_registered”:true,“pin_code”:null,“registered_at”:“2021-10-16 00:00:00”,“online”:true,“app_settings”:null,“protocol”:0,“pending_radio_link_validation”:null,“capabilities”:[“auto_lock”,“bluetooth_control”,“bluetooth_pairing”,“border_cut”,“digital_fence_settings”,“follow_border”,“lock”,“mqtt”,“multi_zone”,“multi_zone_percentage”,“one_time_scheduler”,“pairing_smartconfig”,“pause_over_wire”,“rain_delay”,“rain_delay_start”,“safe_go_home”,“scheduler_two_slots”,“unrestricted_mowing_time”,“zone_keeper”],“capabilities_available”:,“features”:{“auto_lock”:3.25,“bluetooth_control”:3.2,“bluetooth_pairing”:true,“chassis”:“m_2021”,“digital_fence_settings”:3.25,“display_type”:“lcd”,“input_type”:“keyboard_push_knob”,“lock”:true,“mqtt”:true,“multi_zone”:true,“multi_zone_percentage”:true,“multi_zone_zones”:4,“one_time_scheduler”:3.15,“pause_over_wire”:3.26,“rain_delay”:true,“rain_delay_start”:3.08,“safe_go_home”:3.25,“scheduler_two_slots”:3.15,“unrestricted_mowing_time”:true,“wifi_pairing”:“smartconfig”},“accessories”:{“ultrasonic”:true},“mqtt_endpoint”:“iot.eu-west-1.worxlandroid.com”,“mqtt_topics”:{“command_in”:“PRM100/A0B1C2D3E4F5/commandIn”,“command_out”:“PRM100/A0B1C2D3E4F5/commandOut”},“warranty_registered”:true,“purchased_at”:“2021-10-11 00:00:00”,“warranty_expires_at”:“2023-10-11 00:00:00”,“setup_location”:{“latitude”:,“longitude”:},“city”:{“id”:*****,“country_id”:*****,“name”:“The name of my city.”,“latitude”:,“longitude”:,“created_at”:“2018-02-15 22:09:04”,“updated_at”:“2018-02-15 22:09:04”},“time_zone”:“Europe/Budapest”,“lawn_size”:250,“lawn_perimeter”:96,“auto_schedule_settings”:{“boost”:2,“exclusion_scheduler”:{“days”:[{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false},{“slots”:,“exclude_day”:false}],“exclude_nights”:false},“grass_type”:“mixed_species”,“irrigation”:true,“nutrition”:{“k”:8,“n”:14,“p”:4},“soil_type”:“silt”},“auto_schedule”:true,“improvement”:true,“diagnostic”:true,“distance_covered”:673748,“mower_work_time”:41742,“blade_work_time”:40947,“blade_work_time_reset”:28872,“blade_work_time_reset_at”:“2023-03-30 16:30:49”,“battery_charge_cycles”:305,“battery_charge_cycles_reset”:14,“battery_charge_cycles_reset_at”:“2022-03-27 17:22:37”,“created_at”:“2021-07-15 04:56:13”,“updated_at”:“2023-05-26 18:10:57”,“last_status”:{“timestamp”:“2023-07-25 09:11:37”,“payload”:{“cfg”:{“id”:0,“sn”:“**********”,“dt”:“25/07/2023”,“tm”:“11:11:38”,“lg”:“en”,“cmd”:0,“sc”:{“m”:1,“d”:[[“11:00”,75,1],[“11:00”,75,0],[“11:00”,75,0],[“11:00”,75,1],[“11:00”,75,0],[“11:00”,75,0],[“11:00”,75,0]],“dd”:[[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0],[“18:00”,75,0]],“distm”:0,“p”:0,“ots”:{“wtm”:0,“bc”:0}},“mz”:[0,0,0,0],“mzv”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],“mzk”:0,“rd”:0,“al”:{“lvl”:0,“t”:60},“tq”:0,“modules”:{“US”:{“enabled”:1}}},“dat”:{“mac”:“***************”,“fw”:3.3,“fwb”:1,“ls”:7,“le”:0,“conn”:“wifi”,“bt”:{“t”:31.1,“v”:19.87,“p”:100,“nr”:305,“c”:0,“m”:1},“dmp”:[-1.4,2.4,143.4],“st”:{“b”:40958,“d”:673903,“wt”:41753,“bl”:96},“act”:1,“rsi”:-83,“lk”:0,“tr”:0,“lz”:0,“rain”:{“s”:0,“cnt”:0},“modules”:{“US”:{“stat”:“ok”}}}}}}]’
(I replaced serial, MAC, location, and address values for privacy. Might made some errors with JSON format.)

Have I done something wrong?

And apart from that I’ve got some issues with the mower thing page. The first paramter has no label displayed.

What param is that and what should I put in there? Some timeout or interval? Or any other textual info?


Does the Worx app work? If not, you may be blocked for 24 hours.
Edit: check this github entry:

Same here. Issue created:

The IP adress of your mower.


Thanks for the reply. My app is working, it tells me that my mower is currently mowing and updates data correctly.
I entered the IP address of my mower (it is my local address? Do I need my router address here?) but nothing changed. The binding gives me the same error. If I validate my JSON without manipulating data (private MAC or location) a JSON validator ensures me that it is a correct JSON format.
Should I +1 the issue on github with this? EDIT: Never mind I’ve replied there already.


I’m pretty sure if the developers have some spare time they will have a look.

I don’t have the json error (OH4 Release) and most of the binding is already working.

Ok, thank you for your help again!

I removed both bridge and mower. I emptried cache and recreated the bridge only. Same JSON error occured.

Waithing for devs. :sleeping:

Bug found, correction pushed to the git repo.
Updated jar : https://github.com/clinique/marketplace/blob/main/org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


That is now working!

Thank you a lot!

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Looks like it needs to be the serial number, not the IP adress, sorry. :sunglasses:

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Hi to all,

first of all, thanks a lot for maintaining this binding!

After migration from OH3.4.2 to OH 4.0.1 I’m missing some channels.

Most Importand for me: The channel previously found with “datCommon#errorCode” and “datCommon#statusCode”

I need those Items again a numeric values. Is there any chance to get this, or is there a new way in OH4?

Thanks for your support!