Worx Landroid Binding

Is it possible to test the V4 version already?

The PR is here - I would say 80% adaptation to OH4 finished, and functional.

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Do I have to compile the sources myself?

Here’s a compiled jar : marketplace/org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar at main · clinique/marketplace · GitHub

Be aware, documentation is out-dated - use GUI to create your things and link them to items. If @sihui agrees we could create a marketplace entry to have it easily available.

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I don’t think you need me to agree, but I really would love to have that binding on the marketplace :+1:

After installation, the binding worked very well. Now I had to restart OpenHAB once. Since then I get the following error message:

[ERROR] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - Exception: software.amazon.awssdk.crt.mqtt.MqttException: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

version 4 ?


I finally had time to test the OH4 version of the binding. OH4 is not yet on my production system, I had the binding only running for a few hours.

Thanks to both of you (@glhopital @nibi79) for all the great work!

Found one issue so far, documented on github:

I still have a problem. The binding runs very well for a few hours, then it goes into an error state as I described above. (Landroid V4 in OH4)

I have created an issue to track this [Landroid V4] MQTT connection closes after some hours · Issue #90 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

Have you tried setting a value to the reconnectInterval ?

Yes, I have tested 0, 60 and 600. Always the same effect.
What would be your proposal? Then I will test the value again.

Sorry, Thanks

No worry. From the information, I observed that 0 would not trigger any reconnect - but if you tested 60 and 600, there’s obviously an issue. I will investigate.

Further testing and findings:

After an openHAB restart the binding does not work, regardless of setting in Reconnect interval, disabling and reenabling the Bridge Thing solves the problem.
I added this to [Landroid V4] MQTT connection closes after some hours · Issue #90 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

WorxLandroidStatusCodes.java is missing 3 status codes:

ESCAPE_FROM_OLM (13, "Escape from OLM")
ZONE_TRAINING (97, "Zone Training")
MANUAL_STOP (99, "Manual Stop")

WorxLandroidErrorCodes.java is missing 1 error code:

MOWER_OUTSIDE_WIRE (20, "Mower outside wire")

Documented in [Landroid V4] missing codes · Issue #91 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

<weekday>#time channels do not populate any data (NULL), for example

DateTime Worx_ScheduleSundayTime "Start time" {channel="worxlandroid:mower:mower:m500plus:sunday#time"}

In the old version we had two separate channels, hour and minute:
cfgScSaturday#scheduleStartHour and

Same for battery#charge-cycle: (NULL)

Number WorxLandroidMowerBatteryChargeCycle "Battery charge cycle total" {channel="worxlandroid:mower:mower:m500plus:battery#charge-cycle"}

Documented in [Landroid V4] Channels do not populate any data · Issue #92 · nibi79/worxlandroid · GitHub

After clearing tmp and cache folders and several restarts of openHAB4 because of adaption of other bindings from OH3 to OH4 this issue is gone for me.

What is meant by claer tmp and cache folder? Clear OpenHAB Cache?

I have done Clear Cache. Unfortunately, after a while I still get the following error message:

2023-07-22 14:04:51.750 [ERROR] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - Exception: software.amazon.awssdk.crt.mqtt.MqttException: The connection was closed unexpectedly.