Worx Landroid Binding

Thank you a lot!

Quick check is positive, mower only and data can be read (can not start mower right now).


thanks so much for update. It is working for me.

Thx a lot @glhopital, looks promising, everything is up and running again!

Maybe @nick_woodforth and @angri with their Vision models can try again if it works now …

Tired of waiting @nibi79 answers regarding the integration in the official repo and having to deal with a specific repo for this, no issue tracking in GH, I decided to push it by myself. Here it is.[Worxlandroid] new binding by clinique · Pull Request #16893 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub


That are wonderful news.
I already wanted to ask for this, but since I am not a programmer and can not contribute, I decided to stay quiet :grinning:

I missed at least one more Vision owner: @Bramante

Your help in helping user is so precious ! You’ll be able to contribute also on this PR because documentation has to be fully rewritten.

@nibi79 : if you want to step in at any time, you’re welcome.

I’ll be glad to contribute to the docs.

You want me to do that with a PR against your repo?

(I know how to do a PR against a forked repo, but I don’t know how to contribute to an existing PR :innocent: )

Yes, fork my repo and push against it - it should be fine.

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Your are awesome!!!

Just installed the new Version, and its working! I’m also able to start the robot!

Thanks for the quick help

Awesome, thanks a lot.
also great news, pushing it to the official repo.

and I also want to say thank you @sihui for your user support.
and also to @nibi79 for the initial binding!

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Thanks a lot also from my side. Great to have you!

thanks for the update

i try the new one and the error now is different

Error in WebApiException :\ Unexpected error deserializing ‘[{“id”:964901,“uuid”:“9969aa65-650a-4002-bad8-cb4355f36fda”,“product_id”:73,“user_id”:xxxxx,"serial_number

“last_status”:{“timestamp”:“2024-06-20 20:56:17”,“payload”:{“cfg”:{“id”:0,“tz”:“Europe/Zurich”,“lg”:“it”,“cmd”:0,“log”:{“imp”:1,“diag”:1},“vis”:{“slab”:1},“sc”:{“enabled”:1,“paused”:0,“once”:{“time”:0,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},“slots”:[{“e”:1,“d”:0,“s”:720,“t”:75,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:1,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:0,“s”:1080,“t”:75,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:1,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:2,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:3,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:1,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:4,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:5,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}},{“e”:1,“d”:6,“s”:720,“t”:45,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“b”:0,“z”:}}}]},“cut”:{“b”:0,“bd”:0,“ob”:0,“z”:},“mz”:{“s”:[{“id”:1,“c”:1,“cfg”:{“cut”:{“bd”:50,“ob”:1}}}],“p”:},“rd”:120,“al”:{“lvl”:0,“t”:32},“tq”:0,“modules”:{“DF”:{“fh”:0,“cut”:1},“HL”:{“enabled”:0}}},“dat”:{“uuid”:“xxxxx”,“mac”:“xxxx”,“tm”:“2024-06-20T20:56:08.634Z”,“fw”:“3.34.0+3”,“ls”:1,“le”:0,“conn”:“wifi”,“bt”:{“t”:23.6,“v”:19.3,“p”:100,“nr”:217,“c”:0,“m”:0},“head”:{“uuid”:“xxxx”,“fw”:“1.2.30+3”,“act”:1},“dmp”:[-1.2,-2.3,342],“st”:{“b”:2970,“d”:45846,“wt”:3194,“bl”:156},“act”:1,“features”:{“ble”:0},“rsi”:-62,“lk”:0,“tr”:0,“rain”:{“s”:0,“cnt”:0},“sh”:0,“sc”:{“slot”:0,“once”:0},“cut”:{“z”:1},“mz”:[{“id”:1,“p”:156651,“a”:90268148}],“cam”:{“status”:0,“error”:0},“rfid”:{“status”:0},“modules”:{“DF”:{“stat”:“ok”}}}}}}]’ : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 3313 path $[0].last_status.payload.cfg.mz

I have not used the Landroid binding in few years as it stopped to work in some point of time and I quickly did my own mqtt version by using MTrab python library which is used on Home Assistant as well. That library has been very reliable.

Based on MTrab comments in some GitHub discussions I understood that MTrab have got API documentation from Positec which owns the Worx brand, so maybe you @glhopital could check the python library and see if something is done differently to avoid future communication issues.

thanks for your work.

i also try the new version
The bridge is connected.
The mower thing stuck during initialization with:
[DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - Some data missing to initiate AWS connection

The [DEBUG] [landroid.internal.api.WorxApiHandler] - Worx Landroid Api Response shows the same valid configuration details as the app.

For me the behavior is the same as with the previous version. Stuck during initialization of mower thing.

I´m a little bit perplexed at the moment.

I would try in following order:

  • check if the serial number of the mower is correct
  • restart openHAB
  • restart the server
  • clean cache and tmp and restart openHAB

i´m done

it’s still the same

Sorry to hear. I have no more ideas …