I forgot you have the Vision model.
I don’t think it is supported yet.
Hey Sihui,
new binding did not fix vision for me.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 3041 path $[0].last_status.payload.cfg.mz
I just tried the google link but it is saying file is in your wastebin and can’t be downloaded.
Could you place it again?
Try Gaël’s “personal” marketplace:
Wow, you are really fast, thanks…installed it, restarted openhab but unfortunately the error still appears:
2024-06-27 22:58:37.544 [ERROR] [nal.common.AbstractInvocationHandler] - An error occurred while calling method ‘ThingHandler.initialize()’ on ‘org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid.internal.handler.WorxLandroidMowerHandler@ef9546’: Cannot read field “multiZone” because “this.product.features” is null
Here’s the last version org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar - Google Drive
I have tried to install the binding, but I get the following error:
2024-06-28 21:28:49.276 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/usr/share/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid [28]
@TomW80, welcome to the community!
Did you have an older Worx binding active before?
Then I would clean cache and tmp folders and restart openHAB.
You could also try to search this thread for Error while starting bundle
or Could not resolve module
to find a solution.
The error is caused by the faulty JAR file. It only has a size of 133kb
Can you please check it?
Good catch!
For the time being try this one:
It should have the same version number, but is around 18MB in size.
I have tried this, but here I get the following error:
2024-06-30 15:56:33.001 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/usr/share/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid [35]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.openhab.core.auth.client.oauth2
at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(Module.java:463) ~[org.eclipse.osgi-3.18.0.jar:?]
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.start(EquinoxBundle.java:445) ~[org.eclipse.osgi-3.18.0.jar:?]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundle(DirectoryWatcher.java:1260) [bundleFile:3.7.4]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundles(DirectoryWatcher.java:1233) [bundleFile:3.7.4]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.doProcess(DirectoryWatcher.java:520) [bundleFile:3.7.4]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.process(DirectoryWatcher.java:365) [bundleFile:3.7.4]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.run(DirectoryWatcher.java:316) [bundleFile:3.7.4]
I have also clean the cache
Hmmm, no idea, to be honest.
You are on a 4.x version of openHAB?
From what I have read this error occurs if you have the wrong openHAB version …
Yes, I have openhab 4.1.3
I’m waiting for an answer from @glhopital.
Maybe he has another idea.
Yes, this error seems to indicate that you do not have the appropriate version of OH (org.openhab.core.auth.client.oauth2
is part of the core).
Just installed all the updates for the Raspi and did a reboot. Now it seems to work.
In any case, the connected Things are online, but it does not update the data.
Here the output from the logfile:
2024-07-02 03:23:47.236 [DEBUG] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - connection interrupted errorcode: 5134 : The connection was closed unexpectedly.
2024-07-02 03:23:48.639 [DEBUG] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - last connection resume 2024-07-02T03:23:48.639544198
2024-07-02 03:23:48.640 [DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - AWS connection is available
2024-07-02 03:23:48.640 [DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - subscribed to topic: PRM100//commandOut
2024-07-02 03:23:48.641 [DEBUG] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - last connection resume 2024-07-02T03:23:48.641319398
2024-07-02 03:23:48.642 [DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - AWS connection is available
2024-07-02 03:23:48.642 [DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - subscribed to topic: PRM100//commandOut
2024-07-02 03:23:52.237 [DEBUG] [worxlandroid.internal.mqtt.AWSClient] - lastResumed: 2024-07-02T03:23:48.641319398 interrupted: 2024-07-02T03:23:47.236635916 in: true
2024-07-02 03:28:06.126 [DEBUG] [ternal.handler.AWSClientThingHandler] - onMessage: {“cfg”:{“id”:0,“lg”:“de”,“tm”:“03:28:00”,“dt”:“02/07/2024”,“sc”:{“m”:1,“distm”:0,“ots”:{“bc”:0,“wtm”:0},“p”:0,“d”:[[“11:00”,75,1],[“11:00”,75,0],[“11:00”,60,0],[“11:00”,60,1],[“11:00”,60,0],[“11:00”,60,0],[“11:00”,60,0]],“dd”:[[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0],[“00:00”,0,0]]},“cmd”:0,“mz”:[0,0,0,0],“mzv”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],“mzk”:0,“rd”:180,“sn”:““,“al”:{“lvl”:1,“t”:60},“tq”:0,“modules”:{“US”:{“enabled”:1}}},“dat”:{“mac”:””,“fw”:3.32,“fwb”:1,“bt”:{“t”:13.7,“v”:19.34,“p”:100,“nr”:213,“c”:0,“m”:1},“dmp”:[-5.5,1.5,258.6],“st”:{“b”:15031,“d”:246277,“wt”:15283,“bl”:82},“ls”:1,“le”:0,“lz”:0,“rsi”:-77,“lk”:1,“act”:1,“tr”:0,“conn”:“wifi”,“rain”:{“s”:0,“cnt”:0},“time”:{“r”:0,“l”:0},“modules”:{“US”:{“stat”:“ok”}}}}
What is the reason for this?
Had the same problem as you, compiled the file with newest git repo and my mower is working perfect with openhab again. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cKigxmb6yHhkdprlJKJU6BhfyWxpP5j5/view?usp=drive_link
link now free for everyone, sry
Can you open your link for everyone?
Even with a google account you have to ask for approval.
now it works. Thank you