ZWave Binding - Everspring ST814 min/max temperature values or ON/OFF trigger switch available as channels?

Yeah, I found out because I tried it with items created through OpenHAB … The values appear somehow after a while in the Basic UI view. I was wondering if I could force this by updating the items at startup with with the postUpdate command


I have a “Set Defaults” rule running at system startup … I will try it out …

I would not expect the device to send out updates if you change it on the device.

Remember, this is a configuration parameter - it’s not designed to be used like we are using it. The manufacturer should have used a different command class (eg a setpoint command class) if it was really meant to be used in this way and we’re trying to make these config parameters available as best as possible.

I understand … even though I don’t like the answer :wink: But I actually do not understand then how the trigger should work. If we are neglecting the min and max value and focussing on the trigger … what sense does it make to have an ON/OFF trigger (no matter how it is triggered) if the status is not parsed frequently or at a change. Because then the trigger does not make sense? Or did I get it wrong that the trigger is working differently?

Because in that case I know trigger state “OFF” means temperature greater than e.g. 23 degree Celsius and “ON” should be between 19 and 23 degrees Celsius (considering that the heating turns on when below 19) …

What “trigger” do you mean?

My understanding is that the sensor has two fields - a min and a max. These fields you can set via the UI through these two channels. You can change these parameters, and after some time (ie once the device wakes up - maybe an hour or so after you made the change) the data is transferred into the device.

The device is “continuously” checking to see if the temperature is above the max, or below the min - if it is, then the device sends out a BASIC command with either 0x00 or 0xFF. You can use this channel to do something (maybe this is what you mean by the “trigger”?).

The setting of the min/max and the handling of these temperatures within the sensor are not really linked. The binding, or OH, doesn’t use the min/max in any way - they are just passed to the sensor.

I guessing (and I don’t know this for sure because I’ve never tried this with one of my devices) that the device sends the BASIC ON/OFF when the max/min condition is reached.

Edit: I think @chris said this above better that I did. But essentially, we’re saying the same thing.

I have the ST814 as well…

This is my items file:

// Everspring ST814 Temperatur and Humidity Sensor
Number ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorRelativeHumidity 	"Everspring Sensor (relative humidity) [%.0f %%]" 			<Humidity> 	(Fugtighed) 		{channel="zwave:device:512:node8:sensor_relhumidity"}
Number ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorTemperature 		"Everspring SensorTemperature [%.1f °C]" 				<cu_heating> 	(Temperatur)		{channel="zwave:device:512:node8:sensor_temperature"}
Number ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorTemperature1		"Everspring Sensor (temperature1) [%.1f °C]"				<cu_heating>	(Temperatur)		{channel="zwave:device:512:node8:sensor_temperature1"}
Number ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorRelativeHumidity1	"Everspring Sensor (relative humidity1) [%.0f %%]"			<Humidity>	(Fugtighed)		{channel="zwave:device:512:node8:sensor_relhumidity2"}

And this is my sitemap file:

	Frame label="Everspring Temperatur og Fugtighed" {

		Text item=ZWaveNode8_status
		Text item=ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_BatteryLevel
		Text item=ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorRelativeHumidity
		Text item=ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorRelativeHumidity1
		Text item=ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorTemperature
		Text item=ZWaveNode8ST814TemperatureAndHumiditySensor_SensorTemperature1


Ok, I got it now. So even when I change the min/max values on the device no change is initiated to send these updates to OpenHAB neither instantly nor during the normal “auto report interval”. As I understand it right, these config parameters get only updated to OpenHAB when the device wakes up.

And regarding the BASIC ON/OFF command … I would use the switch_binary channel to leverage and interpret the trigger value ON/OFF set by the sensor when one of the limits is touched, right?

To tell the truth I am sad, that the config parameters are not sent frequently or the other way round that the min and max values are just config parameters and no set points - I know that this is not in (y)our power but it is related to the device firmware … Hard to believe that the vendor did not see the advantage of exploiting these parameters better :sob:

So you are not using these features we are discussing here then?

Hi Kim,

so what temperature you get from the second temperature channel?


I saw the two additional channels in the things show command but I was wondering what this second temperature could mean?

Probably because they are bleeding edge :wink:

Yes, they should only be updated at this time. I just checked the code, and the binding does poll the configuration when it’s configured through a channel like this.

Correct. (at least, that is my expectation - I think I read this in the manual when I was looking at it the other day).

No, to be honest, I havnt figured what those x1´s are for… I believe they´re setpoints, but I dont use the setpoints. I just read them… Since this devices doesnt have a switch option, (except for alarm and Co2, which makes no sense to me), I dont see why one should use the setpoints at all. I could be wrong though. I bought this device only to read temperature and humidity, not to controle anything, as this would be through openhab insted.

I replied because he mentioned having problems showing the items on his sitemap.

Both the x1 items seem to be static values. So I believe they´re setpoints. But like just mentioned to Chris, I dont use them, cause they make no sense to me, when there isn´t a switch for the setpoint to activate. Insted you could use the “normal” temperature and humidity, at let openhab be the target for the setpoints in a rule… ie:
If temperature is above xx,
do something…

Hi Kim,

Thanks and I kindly appreciate your response. Mark @mhilbush and Chris @chris have been so kind to add additional config parameters to the zwave binding to leverage the min and max values to initiate the trigger binary_sensor for an ON/OFF event which you could then use for switching in OpenHAB …

It does not seem to me that the second temperature channel is a set point but maybe the others might know better …

That’s not the channels we’re discussing here - we’re discussing the new channels to set the max/min setpoints.

This was also added recently along with the setpoints.

This is just a second reading of the same temperature. ZWave devices often duplicate the same information - both in the root endpoint, and in another endpoint. I try to remove the extra channels where I can to avoid confusion (as we have here) as the data is exactly the same.

Thanks - the issue is with the new channels which are configuration parameters for the setpoints and therefore a bit different to the standard channels.

Yes, that is what I currently do. But to adjust a rule in OpenHAB you need to change a min or max value through a web interface like Basic UI … but my wife does not like to much IT in the house and I thought it would be a nice feature to leverage the min and max values of the device to change min and max values in OpenHAB rules … But I just learned that these are config parameters which are not updated frequently and therefore my plan does not work out :frowning:

But that is the fault of the way how the min and max values are implemented in the ST814 sensor firmware.

Hmm… I guess I´ll have to delete the thing an re-add it then. I havn´t got any setpoints or switch options.
Did you remove the two alarm channels for Co2 and Smoke?

Yes - you will need to do this to get the new definition.


I would rather use setpoints from openhab then the device… I dont really fancy this device at all. It uses very much battery. In aprox 3/4 year, I have changed batteries twice.
But hey, if you wife says so, you´d better do what she says :grinning:

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Just did… Got the new channels now… Guess I´ll have to scroll back and read again what they´re used for :slight_smile:

Can you tell me why they´re there… As far as I know, this device does not have a Co2 or Smoke senor…
(again I could be wrong, neither the manual or the device itself doesn´t really providing any info about Co2 or Smoke).