[BTicino/OpenWebNet] New openHAB2 binding ready for testing

Surely online docs are iupdated to the latest official version, 2.3.0.
I see you are on 2.4.0.Mx,so probably they are adding more in the Milestone version.

Since it’s not strictly related to the OWN binding but rather to HomeKit support, i invite you to continue the conversation in other threads to keep this thread for issues related to the binding itself.


how can I create .items to send a frame command directly?

*6 * 10 * 4000 ##

(open the lock of the canceletto)

*# 1 * 74 * # 2 * 0 * 4 * 0 ##

(time command)

Thank you

Hi Michele,
Fot command the door lock, use the binding 1.12 or 1.13 snapshot present in openhab 2 interfaces.

  • Configure the bticino.cfg folder
  • Add this line on item folder
  • Example
    Switch Portail_1 “Serrure Portail” (Video) {bticino=“if=default;who=6;what=10;where=4000”}

Read these docs :

Actually Bticino openhab2 binding does not support video door entry system (VDES)

Massimo, you’re doing a great job.

An implementation proposal

It could be useful to use conversion function:

input : openwebnet frame (Sensor, Lights, CEN, CEN +, etc …)
output : command or comands frame.

The same function has no input and output a frame command (Lights, Push, CEN etc …

What do you think ?

Good evening

Hi Massimo,

I’m running tests.
I noticed that when you create items a Light the “Lighting” Tags are inserted while in the shutters the “” Tags is null.
My doubt, this is not why the shutters are not seen in the Homekit?
Thank you

Hi Massimo,

In the official version of HomeKit it is not managed

It works in the modified version 2.3.0, it is managed as “Blinds” tags

Truly a pity that it is not managed, I wonder why

Hi @gozilla01

  • blinds tag: I will add it to the next beta8 version for shutter things, just to be prepared when the Blinds tag will be officially supported by HomeKit. In the meantime, you can add the tag yourself either by defining the item via .items file (which I suggest) or via REST API, see here for how to.

  • conversion function and send command directly:
    I am not sure I understand what you mean by “conversion function”. However I like the idea of giving the possibility to define manually via .items/.things files a generic thing and item that can send OpenWebNet frames directly. I suggest you describe this clearly with a good example of expected channels as a wanted feature in the binding’s issue list:


Hi Massimo,

blinds tag

yes, I used the configuration from .items, it works

conversion function

I entered isseu

thank you

Hi All,
I’m configuring my home by using openHab2 and orange PI Zero.
I’d configured my HomeServer1 but after checking my “things” in UI Panel, i’ve found only the lights as “BUS Switch” but not my “Automation”. Better, it seems that my Automation thing were recognized as Switch.

Is there any mode to “override” that configuraton? I’m trying to find config file in my OrangePI, but I don’t see any .thing config file.

Could you help me?
Thanks and regards

a new release of the OpenWebNet biding is available: beta8.

This new release is a bug-fixing release:

  • [FIX #25] added Blinds tag for shutter channels (Rollershutter items)
  • [FIX #17] now a disconnection from the gateway is detected within few minutes
  • [FIX #10] now an automatic STOP command is sent when a new Position/UP/DOWN command is sent while already moving
  • [FIX #18] at startup (for example after a power outage) the binding now tries periodically to connect to the BTicino Gateway
  • [BUG] now a decimal setpointTemperature (21.5 °C) is sent as decimal to the thermostat and not as integer
  • [FIX #20] added support for dimmerLevel100 levels when dimmers are changed from myhomescreen or touchscreen
  • [FIX #16] dimmers now save last state if switched off from openHAB
  • [FIX] now Command Translation (1000#WHAT) is supported in Lighting
  • updated README examples and added .sitemap example
  • moved to new GitHub repository, forked from openhab/openhab2-addons

Installation and Upgrade

The binding is also published on the Eclipse IoT Marketplace.
If you cannot find the binding in the search, probably you have an issue with certificates in your Java environment, that must be updated. Follow this solution to add the required certificates to access all bindings on the Marketplace.

To install/upgrade to the new version, follow the instructions in the README.

JAR File: https://github.com/mvalla/openhab2-addons/releases/download/beta8/org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.4.0-b8.jar

For any help/issue on the new binding, write here in this thread.

As usual, a special thanks goes to those who helped testing the preview release! (see README for a list).


Hi Giuseppe, which address are your Automation things that have been seen as Switches? Which BTicino models are they? If in your plant you have connected the shutters to BTicino switches than it’s possible that they are discovered as switches…

If you want to try manual configuration you should first delete the found things fromUI, then create a new .things file in the conf directory that on RaPi should be under: /etc/openhab2/things
(look first to the docs of openHAB before asking these basic questions…)
You can find some examples of .things file configuration in the binding README.


Hi Massimo,
thank you so much.
I ran tests:

[FIX #25] OK
[FIX #10] OK
[FIX #16]
If set 40% after OFF and ON, it lights up to 40%
If set 50% after OFF and ON lights up to 50%
If set 80% after OFF and ON it turns on at 80%
If set to 48% after OFF and ON lights up to 40%
If set 82% after OFF and ON it turns on at 80%
If I set 88% after OFF and ON it turns on at 80%
As if you are rounding to the bottom decimal

Hi Massimo,

when does your Openwebnet become official on Openhab?
What do you think about FIX 22?
I look forward to it :grinning:

Thank you

Thank you Massimo,
I’ve configured manually every automations by UI of OpenHab. Now all lights were successfully configured in google home, but the automation are not displayed even if things are working in Paper UI. Do you know why?

After that i’ve to understand how to create rules for scenarios.

Thanks again

Hi Giuseppe,

Automations are not currently supported in the Google Home - openHAB integration, they will be in upcoming releases of OH. see here for what is supported: Google Assistant | openHAB

Yes, right now dimmer states, even for 100-levels dimmers, are rounded to tens.
But there is already an issue open to support 1%-steps for dimmers that support it.

it will be the next step after CEN/CEN+ basic support.
See milestones on GitHub for some draft ordering (of course, subject to changes!).


Hi Massimo,
you are doing a great job!
Reflect on my request “Conversion” fix22 because, in my opinion, it could cover all the special functions (GEN, AUX, CEN, CEN +, GR), not easy clarification for all users with the inclusion of Openwebnet code.
But it could be useful immediately to unlock many exigencies, see my examples in the issues.
Excuse my English, I’m Italian and I do not know him well.

I’d like to know what other users think about it

Thank you

Ok, thanks, is there any workaround that we can use meanwhile new OpenHab will be released?

Is there any information about MH201 support?

Do you see any incompatibility that will prevent its usage as gateway?