Busch-Jaeger Free@Home

@ruebox Not sure which would be the best way forward. I have now built a working environment for the most recent OpenHab development environment (see my github), so I am not able to perform a pull request against your account.

Maybe you need to get your environment up to the most recent version? Then we can implement the changes as part of a new Marketplace version.

@ohivan @markuslaube
Alternatively test this customized version (modified code for decoding SysAp stream, although with less stream features debugging compared to version presented in my previous post).


Thanks a lot!! I just tested your most recent version and so far it seems to work perfectly. The bridge is online and I was able to add and control a thing. Thanks again for this super-fast fix!

1 Like

Sorry for my late Reply - in reason of the it-sa i habe this Werk verry Smal time for private thinks :grinning:

I will Test it all your Feedbacks and Dokumentation all at this Weekend.

Yes. All Systems (openHAB, sysAP) from ne have german Language Settings.


Hi all,

I have an old version running, how to I install this new updated version?


Well, provided you have a SysAp software version >2.2.4, and you really feel like you would upgrade the binding, the following steps would be required:

  • Leave all Free@Home ‘Things’ in PaperUI (besides Free@Home bridge) as is
  • Delete Free@Home bridge from ‘Things’ in PaperUI
  • Uninstall/remove existing Free@Home binding
    1a) Uninstall binding from PaperUI if using Marketplace binding
    1b) Remove .jar file from openhab2-addons folder if using customized binding
  • Clean Openhab cache / restart Openhab service
    1. ssh into OpenHab service (described above if using OpenHabian)
    2. Stop OpenHab service: sudo systemctl stop openhab
    3. Remove tmp files: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/tmp/*
    4. Remove cache: sudo openhab-cli clean-cache
    5. Restart OpenHab service: sudo reboot
  • Download latest binding and put into openhab2-addons folder:
  • From PaperUI, add Free@Home bridge (Configuration / Things / Add thing / Free@Home binding / Add manually / Free@Home Bridge)
  • Set up correct input for SysAp (e.g. host, username and password etc)

First time, you will be likely to end up with a connection timeout, i.e. stuck in initialising phase (no clue why), but for me the following additional steps worked:

  • Remove/delete the newly created Free@Home bridge from PaperUI
  • Restart web browser / PaperUI
  • Install new Free@Home bridge in PaperUI, as described above, and you should get a good and open connection to your SysAp
  • Reconnect your existing Free@Home things to the newly created Free@Home bridge in PaperUI (need to be edited for each thing)


Thanks for all the hard work and releasing a new version.
I came across this announcement:


Could it be of relevance to the work done on the binding?

Appreciate the feedback.

I am actually aware of the opening of free@home API, and have become a subscribed developer. Although, it must be said, I am not a skilled programmer, so I haven’t been able to dig into learning/details yet.

@kjoglums The developer program sound promising. Is there a selection process or just sending an email request?

btw. does ABB only describe the cloud-based REST API or also the XMPP api used with SysAP?

ABB‘s APIs are cloud only, they want everyone to program against their regulated environment.

To be honest, smart home is not smart for me, if it depends on an „always on“ internet connection, and if a third party may limit functionality. Additionally, that raises serious privacy concerns. Maybe product usage data is currently not used for that, but the effort is getting lower for these companies to add additional sales models.

I think we should keep the current, „direct“ solution as long as possible.


@ruebox I received notification/subscription from DE-SmarterHomeDeveloper@abb.com, but you can just go to link below and follow the described steps (including sending email to ABB):



I fully agree. From my point of view, the main advantage of f@h is that it is not cloud-based, but can be installed completely isolated.

Thus, the binding will remain a “direct” solution (I hope that b+j) will keep this direct approach :wink:

OK, Thanks at all, my Bridge Works, a I have use an other Way to go Online :wink:

=> All my last Tests with any jar ended with:

2019-10-14 10:23:57.154 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘freeathome:bridge:dd5fe847’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Can not connect to SysAP with address: to UNINITIALIZED
2019-10-14 10:23:57.210 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘freeathome:bridge:dd5fe847’ changed from UNINITIALIZED to OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): Bridge removed
2019-10-14 10:23:57.231 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘freeathome:bridge:dd5fe847’ changed from OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): Bridge removed to UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR)

But my Last Action was, Ignore this and Restart Openhab and at this Moment the Bridge goes Online.

Last but not least, I can’t find anything Thing behind the bridge, after enabled “Dummy Things” in the Bridge Configuration I get any Device, as Dummy.

It is Correct, that’s the Bridge Don’t Support any Wireless Equipment?
I Think that’s I Remember that Ruebox has Supportet the Wireless Actors.


Interessting for me:

I use one Scene “all Off” in my B+J and this is also an Dummy Interface

2019-10-14 10:37:56.838 [home.event.InboxAddedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID ‘freeathome:dummy:FFFF48020002’ has been added.


Ok, I can correct me:

I have an Automatic Scene, that’s get Number “4802”, after i make a new Custom Scene, I can see this at obenhab and can use this in Openhab

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2019-10-14 10:51:56.381 [me.event.InboxRemovedEvent] - Discovery Result with UID 'freeathome:scene:FFFF48000003' has been removed.
2019-10-14 10:51:56.417 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'freeathome:scene:FFFF48000003' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2019-10-14 10:51:56.473 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'freeathome:scene:FFFF48000003' changed from INITIALIZING to ONLINE
2019-10-14 10:52:16.566 [.ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent] - Link 'ALLOFF_NeueSzene_4800_FFFF48000003_ActivateScene-freeathome:scene:FFFF48000003:activate' has been added.
2019-10-14 10:52:35.857 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'ALLOFF_NeueSzene_4800_FFFF48000003_ActivateScene' received command ON
2019-10-14 10:52:35.947 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - ALLOFF_NeueSzene_4800_FFFF48000003_ActivateScene predicted to become ON
2019-10-14 10:52:35.992 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ALLOFF_NeueSzene_4800_FFFF48000003_ActivateScene changed from NULL to ON
2019-10-14 10:52:38.145 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ALLOFF_NeueSzene_4800_FFFF48000003_ActivateScene changed from ON to OFF

Thanks for You Support!

The main features of the binding remains, including enabling 4.3" Touch panels (Thermostat function). The changes made for this version of the binding primarily involves changes to the Websocket/XMPP stream.

As I understand, the revised binding is now confirmed functional for SysAp version 2.2.4 and higher.

Yes Works The Binding from Your Last Link “3d ago”, HowTo Upgrade SysAp to >2.2.4 works fine with my SysAP (old Version) on Firmware: 2.3.1.

Also actualy I have added the wireless actors (only the Actor, not the Sensor) and can change the State of the Wireless Actor via Openhab and see alle state changes of the actor immediately.

If You like, I can make a dokumentation, how the actor must be added manually for Single and Double-Actors.

Thanks for Anything

Hello, thanks for the working version. But I have a problem. All devices are shown to me (thermostats, blinds, scenes) - only no lights. Where is the mistake? Thanks! Stefan

Hallo zusammen :slight_smile:
As I updated my f@h System Access Point to 2.3.1 I lost my beautiful setup which was using @sstadlberger home to provide URLs which I accessed in OpenHab like shown above.

So now I want to use @ruebox binding. After installation via Marketplace, setting up the Bridge an rebooting OpenHab my bridge permanently changes from online to offline and back:

2019-10-20 10:26:33.214 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'freeathome:bridge:cccc1f12' changed from OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): XMPP connection lost to ONLINE
2019-10-20 10:26:33.855 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'freeathome:bridge:cccc1f12' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (BRIDGE_OFFLINE): XMPP connection lost

What could be the solution?

Thank you!

Check out this one (link) to make it work. I tried it but have not been able to make things work so far. my F@H thermostat showed up but none of the lights…