(Claudius Ellsel)
June 7, 2018, 6:03pm
Since there is a binding for Amazon Echo now I thought about displaying music information on the HABPanel. I found a widget for Onkyo (Custom widgets: Onkyo Control ) which I adjusted to fit the items provided by the Amazon Echo Control binding. Also added css style so the cover image gets resized with the widget.
AmazonEchoNowPlaying.widget.json (4.4 KB)
The settings asks for the “control” channel. But there is no channel called “control”.
(Mr. Wiseman (OH 4.2 Snapshot on Pi4))
July 15, 2018, 2:59pm
Are you going against the latest Amazon Echo binding or the original one frond in OH2.x?
Release Candidate and Support Thread
This thread tries to give you support with the released version of the amazon echo control binding.
Also relative stable (sometimes more stable then the offical version) can be downloaded from here.
Please jump to the Preview and Beta: Amazon Echo Control Binding thread to get the latest features if you want do a beta test.
FAQ and Hints
When I have to remove and recreate things for a binding upgrade?
Check When I have to remove and recreate things for a …
Downgrading to 2.3.0-1??
You must have been on some snapshot
Your items in the widget don’t align with the latest Amazon Echo binding above.
Group Alexa_Living_Room
// Player control
Player Echo_Living_Room_Player “Player” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:player”}
Dimmer Echo_Living_Room_Volume “Volume [%.0f %%]” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:volume”}
Switch Echo_Living_Room_Shuffle “Shuffle” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:shuffle”}
// Player Information
String Echo_Living_Room_ImageUrl “Image URL” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:imageUrl”}
String Echo_Living_Room_Title “Title” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:title”}
String Echo_Living_Room_Subtitle1 "Artist " (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:subtitle1”}
String Echo_Living_Room_Subtitle2 “Alburm” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:subtitle2”}
String Echo_Living_Room_ProviderDisplayName “Provider” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:providerDisplayName”}
// Music provider and start command
String Echo_Living_Room_MusicProviderId “Music Provider ID” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:musicProviderId”}
String Echo_Living_Room_PlayMusicCommand “Play music voice command (Write Only)” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:playMusicVoiceCommand”}
String Echo_Living_Room_StartCommand “Start Information” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:startCommand”}
// TuneIn Radio
String Echo_Living_Room_RadioStationId “TuneIn Radio Station ID” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:radioStationId”}
Switch Echo_Living_Room_Radio “TuneIn Radio” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:radio”}
// Amazon Music
String Echo_Living_Room_AmazonMusicTrackId “Amazon Music Track ID” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:amazonMusicTrackId”}
String Echo_Living_Room_AmazonMusicPlayListId “Amazon Music Playlist ID” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:amazonMusicPlayListId”}
Switch Echo_Living_Room_AmazonMusic “Continue Amazon Music?” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:amazonMusic”}
// Commands
String Echo_Living_Room_TTS “Text to Speech” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:textToSpeech”}
String Echo_Living_Room_Remind “Remind” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:remind”}
String Echo_Living_Room_PlayAlarmSound “Play Alarm Sound” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:playAlarmSound”}
String Echo_Living_Room_StartRoutine “Start Routine” (Alexa_Living_Room) {channel=“amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:echolivingroom:startRoutine”}
Best, Jay
(Claudius Ellsel)
January 1, 2019, 3:02pm
I assume this is related to a new binding version you are using.
Since the new binding is integrated in openHAB 2.4 now I should update this widget to be compatible with the new items. Will take some time, though since I have not much time currently.