Howto add a device to the zwave database

The device is already in the database so your version is probably different and you will need to update the database with the information for your device. Normally this is done by either setting the type/id or uploading the xml for your device.

If i look at attributes in HABmin, I see the same values for version/ type/id as in the database. So that could not be the issue, I guess?

I guess this should be ok then, but it still means there is nothing to add to the database. What version of OH2 are you using?

openHAB 2.0.0-1

Ok, so thatā€™s probably the problem. You should change to use the 2.1 snapshot.

Iā€™m on 2.1 snapshot now, but still the device remains unknown.
The product type on the back of the device is PAT02-1B.
I see the PAT02-B is in the db, but without the number 1 as in PAT02-1B.
Could that be an issue?

The name wonā€™t matter. All that matters is the device type and ID. What does OH say your device ids are?

The device type and ID arenā€™t shown in openHAB.

Then itā€™s not initialised. Probably you need to wake up the device with it in close proximity to the controller (maybe a meter or so - not too much closer). This will allow the binding to interrogate the device and find out what it is. Until this is complete, the device canā€™t be discovered.


im highjacking this thread :slight_smile:
I have the same problem and the same sensor: PAT02-1B.
This is how it is identified in Paper UI: Z-Wave Node 4 (013C:0002:0020:1.14)

Im a total NOB and have just installed the preconfigured image on Raspberry PI.
How can i get this sensor to work?


It looks like your device should be this -:

You donā€™t mention what version of OH or the binding you are using?

When i click on the binding i cant see any version number, cant even manage to find the version number for OH2?
Ops, now i got it:
Z-Wave Binding
binding-zwave - 2.0.0

I think that you need to upgrade your binding to get this sensor working.
Z-Wave 2.0.0 binding was released with openHAB2 stable in Jan/17 and this device was added in Mar/17 in the database.

Uninstall the Z-Wave binding from PaperUI and then re-install it. This should (?) upgrade it to the latest version.

To see the detailed version, get in the openHAB2 console and type:

list -s |grep -i ZWave

Quick version check also here: http://<OH2_IP>:8080/rest/extensions/binding-zwave (if you have the REST docs Misc Addon installed)

Amazing support!! thank you!
I uninstalled it, now im looking at the list of plugins but is still says:
Z-Wave Binding
binding-zwave - 2.0.0

And i have the option to install?
As i start to understand i need a screen connected to my rapsberry in order to change anything? dont have any screen and would have hoped that i could do it through terminal, no way to fix this?

{ā€œidā€:ā€œbinding-zwaveā€,ā€œlabelā€:ā€œZ-Wave Bindingā€,ā€œversionā€:ā€œ2.0.0ā€,ā€œlinkā€:ā€œ",ā€œinstalledā€:false,ā€œtypeā€:"bindingā€}

I believe that if you have enabled in PaperUI->Configuration->System->Access Remote Repository, OH2 will download the latest version of the binding.

You donā€™t need to have a screen connected to the rPi. You need a SSH Client (for example: PuTTY) installed in your Windows PC and then connect using that to the rPi console/terminal (use the IP address of the rPi to connect to it with username pi and default password raspberry)
Then from there, connect to the openHAB console (sudo ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 with password habopen)

Then, within the OH2 console: list -s |grep -i ZWave

remote repository is ON, by defaultā€¦

As i understand that possibility of remote access is locked when i use the predefined OH2 Image?
Running Mac so i tried in terminal: pi@
"raspberry" wont work as password, just denied.

Since I havenā€™t tested thisā€¦ I may be wrong and you could get the 2.0.0 Z-Wave binding again after re-installationā€¦
If it doesnā€™t work, try to use the Snapshot version of the Z-Wave binding:

Are you using openHABian or vanilla Raspbian ?

With openHABian the default credentials combo is: openhabian/openhabian
Vanilla Raspbian is: pi/raspberry. Note:

I assume that you have connected before to the rPi console/terminalā€¦ maybe you have modified the password?

Sorry, my bad. No i got logged on through terminal.

i ran your command: list -s |grep -i ZWave
Just getting command not found

i will try the instructions form the thred you linked :slight_smile:

This is a command to be used within the openHAB2 console
After you connect to the rPi console/terminal, get in the OH2 console by: sudo ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101 with password habopen. Then, issue the command.