IKEA Trådfri Gateway

I also picked up both plugs and switches yesterday, running 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT Build #1374 and had no trouble finding and using them.

Works great, a big thank you to all contributors!

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@cybix32 Sounds good. Very nice. Are there any features of the plug missing in the binding which are supported by the TRADFRI App? Or is it only possible to turn on and off?

@cweitkamp No, the plug has only one switch with on/off state.

Thanks, this did the trick.
After the update the plugs came online and i can use them. Great!


Is there a possibility at all to support native groups.
Implementation over OH groups has a realy slow on diming

Hi Slavisa,

Sure. It is possible. A while ago there was a contribution for it but unfortunately the developer stopped working on the feature and until today nobody picked it up and finished the work. It would be very much appreciated if we will find someone to continue working on it.

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I am on my way to get a developer. It’s mean while 15 year I left the developer comunity.
The re-learning curve ist steep. The good thing is I have a lot of free time to spend on it.

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Great news. Do you think about resuming the group implementation? Would be appreciated. Let me know if you need any kind of help.

Sure, I need some time to ramp up, I will come back to you support offer.
I would like to shomemetup a development environment including development HW (TF GW, devices, etc) I do not like to do stuff paralell to the production setup.

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Dear all,

some others and me suffer from frequent connection losses after reboot, see https://community.openhab.org/t/tradfri-binding-loses-connection-after-power-failure-gateway-reboot/47833/37, discussed as well here: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/6065

Is someone able to give us a short comment? Is the issue resolved and just waiting to be part of the next milestone, or somewhere hidden in the ESH framework? We are lost… Thank you!

Dear all,
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the latest gateway firmware? OH is no longer able to communicate with the gateway!
The Gateway “Thing” says:

I tried restarting OH and the gateway to no avail. I had got used to restarting the gateway every now and then to restore communications but since the update to version 1.8.25 it stopped completely

@thecrater Yes, see here:

Same problem for me.

Did you try entering the security code? That fixed it for me.

Thanks @J-N-K that sort of worked for me. I had it configured in my tradfri.things file but have had to remove it and let OH discover it as a thing and then specify the code otherwise it would not work. Tried clearing the cache and re-entering the code but that did not seem to work.

Mine is totally screwed after the latest Ikea Firmware update.
I will have to reset the Gateway to fix it I guess, but in that operation I will reduce my number on devices from 28 to 4, just to keep track of what is ‘happening’.

The rest of the devices I will transfer to Conbee/deconz.

1 - Group actions operates all lights in perfect, instant synchronisation. (though http/REST API)
2 - Paired devices and setup can be backed up (and restored).
3 - Zigbee-net pairing remotes/groups with lights are done in the WEB app. No need to pair next to light.
4 - Ikea remote button events are catch-able for use in rules.
5 - No gateway connection issues.
6 - OH2 HUE binding interfaces easy to devices (but no native /groups control)
7 - OH2 deconz binding interfaces to sensors through Websocket. (No polling required)

1 - On 5 button remote, the < & > buttons does nothing, so the ‘manual backup’ cannot control color.
2 - Firmware updates are not transparent(, but possible)

I have also tried out the HUE bridge with Ikea lights and it works OK, but no pairing of remotes (other than direct remote-light for manual backup), and no possibility to back up paired devices.

We have a deconz binding for sensors and remote buttons?!

Are you asking or telling?
Have a missed a deconz binding perhaps?

I’m wondering why you don’t know, yes you missed that, but it is listed in PaperUI and also on the webpage’s addon page (it that is not still broken because of the new buildsystem).

I will check it out.
It says it is also using the HUE binding. Hope it can co-exist with the HUE binding I’m already using with my HUE gateway.

It’s not “using” the Hue binding, it complements it. It allows real-time interaction. The Hue binding only supports polling (because the Hue bridge only supports that).

But I think we are offtopic.