iOS app for OH3?

We will push a beta including GUI for OH3 as soon as we have confirmation that release 2.4.41 fixes the issue on empty sitemaps

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If the issue with empty site maps is that nothing loads and you need to choose a sitemap but when you go to settings there isn’t one there - unfortunately it’s still there on the latest build.

I have found this only happens on local connection- if I change to cloud connection I can choose the sitemap and then I’m good for a little while on local but it does eventually lose the sitemap again

What version is your local OH server?


3.3.0 is in development. So this rather is a regression to be addressed In development

another question: with beta version i faced also this “issue” on IOS. notifications are double but only on lock screen.

as you can see, into “notification” of openhab app it’s just one.

this issue there was also on previous versions of the beta app…


Continuing the discussion from iOS app for OH3?:

Any update on MainUI in Store version of the IOS App? We are now on OH 3.3 and still no working publically available IOS client. How isnt this a priority seriously?

Its like releasing a car without wheels!

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It would be really nice to have a working iOS App with OH3x and MainUI back. Where is the problem? In past has worked! If you took the wrong branch it should be not “THE” problem to turn back.
Please go ahead an try to relase a new version. We here around the would, can not operatate with the OH3.x Servers because the mainUI is missing.
Thanks in advanced

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We are blocked in the release because of a bug in xcode, Apple‘s development platform, till the release of 13.3:

We have taken the decision to upgrade to Alamofire 5.x which triggers the problem though it doesn’t use the Alamofire concurrency framework.

There is light on the horizon: 13.3 beta 1 includes the fix already


Still no solution for us?

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Stop putting pressure on the devs please.
As highlighted, we are waiting for an external dependeny.


hello, during last days i’ve seen 2 app updates. which changes were made to be tested?

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I’m also on the TestFlight and I’d very much like to test and to be helpful but I’m a bit lost on what I should test or how I should properly provide feedback. Is there like a checklist for things to look for ?
Ah I guess that there’s no solution yet to have the oh 3 view on iOS like on the android version right? I’m so looking forward to that :smiley:

Are apple users still unable to use MainUI to view their dashboard running 3.x??


This is crazy. It’s been 6 months!!!

Ask around, friends and family. Maybe you know someone who knows how to make iOS apps and would like to take part?
Or maybe you can pay a dev to work on it?
Or you yourself perhaps??

If there is a developer here that can fix it, give me a quote. If its reasonable, I’ll pay for it - send me a PM

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Looking at GitHub (OH3 UI integration for iOS app by timbms · Pull Request #605 · openhab/openhab-ios · GitHub) it appears that @digitaldan and @timbms have contributed mainui code to the iOS app and recently @timbms has rebased the code to the (almost) current branch. It seems another developer needs to compile it into a testflight (iOS beta) or final appstore app. Not sure why this is not happening, the previous argument about x-code dependencies does not seem to block it anymore. MainUI is now several years the default openHAB UI and the code is available and worked fine in previous testflight beta’s.

Like @dastrix80 and many others I would like to help to get things moving again.


Definitely, it’s not like we have a lack of people wanting to see this moving forward. But for some reason no one joins. I’ve asked from my end but most don’t seem eager at all.