New Binding for Caddx alarm panels [NX584, NX8e, ...]

Hi @jossuar . Thanks for the reply.

I am currently running 2.5.8 Release Build.

I have enabled OpenHab debug logging as per article I found. I presume you would liek me to PM you the logs (openhab.log and events.log)? I will have to manually retrieve entries off the panel - unless there is a better/easier way?

Not 100% sure how to get you the relevant information.


Hi @Mark_VG,

You are running on windows.
First try the following to access the console:

On the console enter the following:

log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.caddx

When you take an action that changes a log message e.g. Auto Test, Bypass a zone, Restore a zone, Arming,… you will see DEBUG entries in openhab.log like the following:

> 19:03:03.540 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - <-: Log Event Message [Event: 16]
> 19:03:03.542 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - <-: 7E 0A 8A 10 B9 A9 61 00 07 19 16 35 D4 EA
> 19:03:03.544 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - ->: Positive Acknowledge
> 19:03:03.545 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - ->: 7E 01 1D 1E 1F
> 19:03:03.589 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - <-: Log Event Message [Event: 17]
> 19:03:03.591 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - <-: 7E 0A 8A 11 B9 82 1C 00 07 19 16 35 69 42
> 19:03:03.593 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - ->: Positive Acknowledge
> 19:03:03.595 [DEBUG] [ding.caddx.internal.CaddxCommunicator] - ->: 7E 01 1D 1E 1F

I’m interested in the byte sequences of the Log Event Message entries and the corresponding info on the panel. (The last 10 entries)

Hi @jossuar

Thanks you. I have PM’d you the logs etc. Hope its what you need.


i will have a look during the next days.

Hi @Mark_VG,

I’m curious about your panel model and firmware version.
The Log event message is according to the manual 10 bytes long, but your panel sends 17 bytes. Fortunately the 10 first bytes are the same as far as i can tell.
Also are you located in the US, Europe or elsewhere?

Please check with the following binding and the log messages should be displayed.
Delete the old file from the addons folder and add Add the above version. Openhab should automatically in the next few seconds notice the change and restart the binding.

Thanks for the info and the testing.

Hi @jossuar

Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly. I will download the new version and give it a try and feedback.

I am is South Africa and the Panel Details are: NZ-8-ZA-TK and from the binding the Firmware Version is 5.38

I have a copy of the Installation Manual and could send you a scan of any info that might help?. Just not sure where to look.

EDIT: The logs now seems to display correctly - only weird this is there is now a special character after the Firmware Version? - 5.38�

EDIT 2: The special character resolved after restarting the OpenHab services on Windows… Also battled with the new version till then. Seems to hold the older bindings etc till the service is restarted. Was getting all sorts of errors with sending commands etc. Will have to remember to restart after any upgrades etc.

Hi @Mark_VG,

Yes you need to restart due to the binding missing the actions workaround:

I did not implement it because all new contributions will be first against version 3.0, for which the workaround will not be needed. (i think)

Hi @jossuar

Just wanted to thank you again for the great work. I have been very happy with what I have been able to achieve with your assistance and the community in a short while. Had been really frustrated with my previous solution - especially since the plugin was no longer supported.

With your latest build I am now able to see the log entries. I have also upgraded openHAB to 2.5.9 with no issues.

My current challenges (for which any feedback/advise would be appreciated are:

  1. To be able to see the “Triggered Alarm” information such as:
    a) Triggered Partition
    b) Triggering Zones
    c) Time of event (though not sure this is available as I do not see on *3 on Keypad

    I have looked at the status messages etc, but these all seem to be switches and not messages back - so not sure where to get the information

  2. Display an alarm event similar to above and also send notification. I presume the notification would involve the openHAB cloud connector which I have not looked as as yet.

  3. Find a reliable and usable User Interface for use on PC as well as Mobile Device. Both my sitemap and HABpanel attempts have shortcomings. The SiteMap/Basic UI seems most functional - though limited to 2 columns and on mobile have to set the browser to use “Desktop” mode each time. My HABpanel attempt looks great on PC and then terrible on mobile - so no happy medium so far.

  4. Integrate with Google Assistant - though concerned about security etc.

I have managed to implement two different keypad solutions (BasicUI and HABpanel) using the following:



So these look like this:


As I mentioned - any and all suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


Have a look at the following design pattern:

I suppose you could put all the zones in a group and iterate the members to find which zones have the Alarm Memory flag set. From this info you could build a string for display.

Hi @jossuar

Appreciate the suggestion. Have had a read through and looked feasible. However I still am not getting any results.

For testing I have Partition 3, which has a single Zone connected (Zone 18). This Partition has recent alarm activity (*3 on Keypad gives Zone 18).

I have created items for Partition 3 Alarm Memory as well as Zone 18 Alarm Memory (PIRCEILING) and displayed them. Both are switches which are OFF. Did the same test with Partition 2, which also has recent alarm when checked with *3, however both the Partition and Zone Alarm Memories are OFF.

IS there not a possibility that maybe some of these switch items should be STRING maybe? (See that under a Zone there is a Name item - would expect this to be a STRING possibly?)

EDIT: This is a STRING and is now displaying the correct name

My sitemap looks like this:

    Frame label="Testing" {
    Default item=BXSIDEBEDROOM_AlarmMemory label="BXSIDEBEDROOM_AlarmMemory"
    Default item=Partition2_AlarmMemory label="Partition2_AlarmMemory"
    Default item=VXCOTTAGE_AlarmMemory label="VXCOTTAGE_AlarmMemory"
    Default item=Partition3_AlarmMemory label="Partition3_AlarmMemory"
    Default item=PIRCEILING_AlarmMemory label="PIRCEILING_AlarmMemory"
    Default item=PIRCEILING_Name label="PIRCEILING_Name [%s]"

All of these are displayed as SWITCHES which are OFF.

Any other suggestions?


Hi @Mark_VG,

add also the zone_faulted channel. If i remember correctly, without it, the thing does not get online and the rest of the channels do not get updated.

Hi @jossuar

Thanks. I am already using the Zone Faulted channel and can see any activity on a Zone etc. So doing a walktest around the house and monitoring on OpenHab with e Caddx Binding works well.



Also just wanted to check that I am still using the correct Binding version:

openhab> bundle:list -s|grep caddx
238 x Active x  80 x      x org.openhab.binding.caddx

I am trying to silence an alarm using the following:

import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil

rule "Silence Alarm"
    Item Silence_Alarm  received command ON
if (Pin_Number.state.toString == "" ) {
    logWarn("actions", "Please enter PIN")
            Alarm_Feedback.postUpdate("Please enter PIN")
            createTimer(now.plusSeconds(5), [
    val actions = getActions("caddx","caddx:panel:e59e4935:panel")
    if (null === actions) {
        logWarn("actions", "Actions not found, check thing ID for bridge")
    var EnteredPin = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("Pin_Number")
            logInfo("", "EnteredPin " + EnteredPin.state.toString)

But get the following error when using the panel level:

14:35:33.837 [ERROR] [untime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Silence Alarm': Instance is not a CaddxPartitionActions class.

I managed to get the function to work on the Partition Level though.


Hi @jossuar

I remembered I’ve got this issue before, in my previous HA controller (Vera/Micasaverde). The author of that plugin, futzle, helped me with (what I see now :wink: ) the same problem. Please see this thread.

I can’t judge if this issue (in Luup) is the same as in your code, but a small change to solve the bug was made (see github)

Can you maybe have a look at this?

Hi @jossuar

So just an update on my post #89 above.

This morning I noticed that the Zone level Alarm Memory entries have updated (they are no longer just off). So I went through the process of creating Partition Groups with all the Zone Alarm Memory in each partition group. So I can see which Zones in each Partition last triggered the alarm.

I also tested this by forcing an alarm action and the Zone level Alarm Memory switches do update to match the *3 response on the Keypad…

The Partition Level Alarm Memory however does not change. So need to find a way to see which Partition Last triggered the alarm (and when?) - work in progress.

While adding the Zone Level entries I discovered that each Zone Thing has to be restarted to force a channel update - though did try this with my previous attempts. Suspect that the Alarm Memory entries updated during my many restarts over the last few days.

Will keep on digging.


Hi @Mark_VG,

I have currently many last versions. :slight_smile: I’m in the process to change my build environment to 3.0 so that i can submit pull requests, to have the latest changes incorporated in the official distribution. The version you have is correct.

This I have to check.

The partition you can get also from the zone. There are channels on the zone that indicate to which partitions it belongs. About the time I suppose you could add a rule when the alarm_memory flag changes to capture the current time when an alarm is triggered.

Hi @Jo0p,

Yes I had a look. The bug was regarding the Zones Snapshot message. I’m using the Zone Status Message which conveys a lot more info about the zone. I will have again a look at the logs from your previous posts and I will come back to you.
Did you try to have only one expansion card connected to the panel?
Did your panel work correctly with Vera/MiCasaVerde?
Also what firmware version is your panel?

Hi @jossuar
Thanks again for your response and confirming that I am still on the correct version. Will look forward to any feedback on the error with silencing the alarm.

I have managed to get the zones etc. and they are sorted by Partition into logical areas etc. I have even got so far as to be able to see the only the last triggering zones in each partition. What I cannot see how to retrieve is when an alarm triggers and what triggered it. Have looked through the documentation as well as all the channels etc. - But there does not seem to be an option for this. So cant find a way to trigger an action when an alarm is activated. I have even gone so far as to look at the
“Networx NX-584 RS-232 Gateway Interface Protocol” document which is what I guess your work is based on.

Reading this document made me wonder if some of the information is maybe hidden inside other information or has to be reconstructed from information that is not readily available via the binding?

Have you been able to access any information about when an alarm is triggered and the causes etc?

Once again thank you SO much for the work. I have become a bit addicted to adding to what I have on the Caddx setup.


Could this not maybe have something to do with Caddx Zone Doubling? Just a thought as I had issues with zone doubling many years ago and eventually forked out for an expansion card to get around them.

Thanks for your thought Mark! I will try this by changing the config (less complicated than unwire the expanders).