I am getting openhab is unavailable from Google since about 24hrs ago. Is it working for everyone else? I can access openhab via myopenhab so it’s not a connection issue my end as far as I am aware?
Yesterday evening Google Assistant also was telling me that OpenHAB is unavailable. I restarted my openHAB instance and it worked again.
Ok I restarted and it connected but I looked through the logs of myopenhab and it shows:
|Yesterday at 4:41 PM|openhab|offline|
|Yesterday at 4:35 PM|openhab|online|
|Yesterday at 4:34 PM|openhab|online|
|Yesterday at 4:32 PM|openhab|online|
|Yesterday at 4:32 PM|openhab|online|
|Yesterday at 4:32 PM|openhab|online|
I just noticed that it seems openhab is throwing some errors too:
That is strange. For me it’s working again since then. Maybe you are using an outdated version of openHAB?
I got the same issue. Sometimes Google Assistant is able to update items and sometimes not.
I also see the error messages you mentioned.
There have been issues with myopenhab.org in the last couple of days. It is much better now but there have still been a couple of very short duration outages in the afternoon.
I’ve also noticed that GH have had some issues with the openhab service lately. But now
I’m strugglin even more. Couldn’t get GH syncing openhab devices. So I tried to remove openhab service from the google home app, and reauthenticate. But Now I can’t get Oath2 to pass. When I press “allow” in the authentication window, it just throws an error, complaining about my settings or to check my connection
Just wondered if there is something wrong with the official Google assistant integration for openhab? I tried the phrase “sync my devices”, and suddenly I got an error everytime i tried. So I tried to remove the openhab service from my google home app, and reauthenticate. But now I can’t get passed the authentication point. Get an error after pressing allow on the Oauth2 window. Any help would be much appreciated.
i have finally got around to sorting this i just manually recreated the items needed in text files
@MARZIMA Thanks for the hard work on this very easy to setup
Is there a way to make my Google Home openHAB actions stick to the room that the Google Home device is assigned? Right now, if I say “turn on the lights,” it turns on all of them in every room. It’s not like that with my TVs on Chromecasts. Maybe it’s just not programmed like that, or I’m not using it properly?
Just tell “turn on the lights in < room name >”.
Ofc you have to assign all the devices to it’s rooms correctly.
Works fine for me so far.
That works fine, but I just mean the shorter version of that without including the room name in the voice command. When I say “Turn on the TV,” my Chromecast turns on the TV in whatever room I’m in. I recently had a guest that expected the lights to work the same way, but they turned on every room when they didn’t include the room name (as I expected, but only because I’ve used and tested it).
Thanks for putting an amazing amount of effort into this.
May l ask two questions?
(I’m completely new to OpenHab2, thanks solely to the Velbus binding that @cedricboon has created)
For simplicity, I’m reluctant to mess with text files as I don’t have a great history of success in coding, so…
I added the “switchable” and “lighting” tags to the only *Items.json file I could find, which enabled me to sync with Google and get all 34 Velbus lights working. (Which was a fairly painless process, once I found the JSON file and was brave enough to edit it)
My problem is that I’ve added an extra dimmer which was very quickly added to the list of “Things” and is completely accessible via HabPanel and the Control section inside PaperUI, but there is no sign of it being added to the JSON file. (Even through the JSON file appears to be backed up most evenings)
Do I need to do something to get the new dimmer added to the JSON file?
The second question is, what are the long term plans to enable these tags to be added via the paperUI ? (Or other guided GUI)
MDAR Ltd is an importer of Velbus products, so I’m keen to find a UI solution that clients and installers can setup without needing to be high functioning coders.
Many thanks in advance,
You talk about Things. Do you have simple mode enabled? If not did you create an Item and link it to one or more Channels on the Thing?
Yes, I have simple mode enabled and as far as I can tell it must have created an “item” from the new “thing” as I can see and control the new dimmer channel from the Control section of PaperUI. (This binding only shows the dimmer functionality of this dimmer and ignores all the more advanced programming things that the Velbus dimmer is capable of)
I can confirm that I can easily add this new dimmer to a HabPanel
OK, then you have an Item. It will be named the same as your Thing ID with “_” replacing the “:”. I’m not sure how often the JSON db gets written out to file. But it is an automated process. You don’t have to do anything special.
I’m seeing that the JSON file is backed up most nights and the dimmer has been online for almost a week…
Is there anything I can do to force the issue?
If it is working then it is almost certainly in the jsondb file somewhere. There should be more than one file in the jsondb folder.
Hey i play with this action and i have two questions:
I dont get the color command to work in german. Can someone say me what i must say to the google assistant?
When will be “CurrentTemperature” and “Thermostat” ready to try?
Hi @all,
I am trying to push more GA stuff this weekend and I will soon need your help in Testing (if ok).
Would be cool to bring the GA Integration officially into the 2.3.0 with all fixes and new features.
Thx & BR
@MARZIMA - we’re all standing by to say “Sync my devices!”