I’m using Openhab2 together with some homematic, zwave rfx433 and custom mysensors components.
I need new smoke detectors for my house and want to integrate them, I’m not sure which ones though.
It would be nice if they were interlinked so that I could trigger the alarm in my bed room.
Of course I also would like to have notifications and if possible use them as a siren.
I’m not sure about what exactly is needed or makes sense, could anyone suggest particular, reliable smoke detectors?
At the moment I would take the HM-Sec-SD-2 probably.
Hej Christoph
a late answer is probably better than none…
In the z-wave world a lot of people seem to have good experience with the fibaro sensor.
Myself is using one from devolo - this is not as recommendable, as the configuration through OH2 doesn’t work well - or, what I assume, that the programming of the device is not very well done.
the end of the day it doesnt report to OH2 properly.
Both of them are not usable as siren (e.g. for burglar alarm).
The devolo has the problem, that it does not report to the zwave net, when
it has an alarm. It might be, that I have some problems with the settings
(though I worked quite a lot on that) - but as this function is the only
one to expect from a smoke alarm it is quite a bummer, that it requires
some configuration at all. The smoke alarm as as such is working well. I
tested this successfully with a special smoke from a can.
It might be, that the alarm works well within a devolo zwave network - but
not with me and openhab2.
What is your expierience with battery drain ?
I have two of those and both report low battery (beeping) after approx. 4 weeks, without showing low bat in openhab.
We also have 2 and both still report 100% battery after some months.
I also liked the possibility of external power supply, but until now, we use them battery powered.
Hmm, no, no regular beeping at all - and still the original batteries.
The devices work - testing via device button or via switch in openhab works and generates an alarm.
Hello @shorty707
thanks for the advice. I requested more information from devolo and had a stab onto the device entries in the database.
However Im quite sure, that I didn’t get it right. If you have time to have a look and correct - that would be great.
I made a new entry concerning this question in the forum here
I have bought 12 Popp 004001.
It was no problem to add them as things. When I put in batteries in all of them I get an alarm sooner or later. What settings are recommended for this thing? Any other advices how to set up/configure and use them best? What about linking them in Z-Wave together? Of course they pair themselves outside of Z-Wave.
Thank you for your kind advice.
I am not sure if you can get then where you are but for notification and alarms I used Kidde …Check out my instructable https://www.instructables.com/id/Complete-Raspberry-Pi-Nova-Wireless-Home-Monitoring
I wouldn’t recommend using battery powered anything when it comes to life safety …Hire an electrician and put in at least one powered smoke detector
I have 6 of the POPP 4001, which are certified for Germany.
They are working with zwave, but I am not 100% happy with them.
As others have detected and it was also confirmed by POPP service: They send a battery status with 100%. This only switches to zero, when the battery alarm is already active, no values in between. So this is useless information!
Also you should only connect 3 or 4 of them together. More is not working without a central controller, I think this is due to latency of the communication.