One of the big issues with maintenance of the Z-Wave binding is maintaining the device database. While the database isn’t needed to actually use a device (with some exceptions!), without the database, it’s not possible to configure a device since the configuration data is only provided in the manufacturers user manual… So, for OH1, the main purpose of the database is to provide the configuration, and also to add options to work around ‘bugs’ (or features!) in devices! For OH2 though, there will be more information to allow automatic bindings…
We now have over 230 devices in the database, and there are a number of requests each week to add more devices. Maintaining entries in the database is taking considerable time as it is often left to a couple of people to do (hence the backlog). This possibly also puts people of openHAB as they want to get their devices added, and it takes time with the limited number of people adding devices…
Unfortunately, this ‘issue’ is about to get twice as bad as the database in OH2 is a very different format (to match the requirements of OH2/ESH). I’ve written a converter to convert files from OH1 to OH2, but this still means maintaining two systems. This will inevitably end up with errors, and just be a bit of a nightmare to produce and maintain
The other issue with editing the database, and one of the reasons it gets left to a few people to do, is that it’s all XML based. While this isn’t exactly difficult to edit, it’s not quick and easy by any means, and it in itself is prone to errors, and difficult to ensure correct formatting.
I think it would be good to have something more user friendly, and maybe meets the following requirements -:
- Simple to edit so anyone can update when theres errors. This in itself should improve the quality of the data.
- Provide a nice WYSIWYG editor to allow editing the HTML descriptions.
- A single system able to produce files for both OH1 and OH2 database formats.
- Be able to link to user manuals so we have a reference!
So… Over the Christmas break (while watching horizontal rain and gale force winds in South Wales!) I’ve put together something to do this. It started off as something for myself to make it easier to edit the file, but I think it would be beneficial if it was available more generally and I’d welcome any feedback on this… It provides a list of devices which is searchable, then a summary page once a device is selected which provides all the information on a device (config, associations etc), and then you can add and edit this information…
Below are a couple of screenshots… The live version if you want to have a look is here - it’s still in development, although most of the general data device information is done. (if you want to play with the editor, you’d need to register - I’ll likely rest everything shortly, so don’t worry about messing anything up!).
Comments welcome…
Device list…
Device configuration page (part of!)…
Association group editor (part of!)…